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Date Posted: - Monday - 01/28/13 - 8:43pm
Author: Doug Wilson
Subject: Cutlass bearing
In reply to: Sietse 's message, "Cutless Bearing" on - Tuesday - 01/22/13 - 10:44pm

The size is right, order online and the bearing should be about $60.00- $70.00.
Pull the prop, get the flanges apart, some brake fluid may help loosen the nuts, a propane torch may be necessary too. You may have to loosen the packing gland as well, and while the shaft is out, plan on replacing the hose on the shaft tube, I think it is 2 1/8 " ID. Mine was the same as the exhaust, and I had some spare on board. Also replace the packing, I think 1/4". Plan on new bolts and nuts for the flanges, make sure they fit exactly.
With the rudder hard over, the shaft will slide out, but may not come out easily.
The bearing has at least one set screw holding it in place, just sand off bottom paint and gelcoat to find their location.
You will have to use a hacksaw blade to saw through the brass on the bearing, once the integrity of the bearing is broken, it should come out.
Clean everything, flanges, shaft, packing gland, shaft tube.
I set the new bearing with 5200, and the set screws, but the more I use 5200, the less I like it.
You may need some feeler gauges and some shim stock to align the flanges, I also had the engine aligned after a couple of days in the water.
Sounds like a lot of work, but should not take more than a day or two.
It can be done, and you can do it.

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[> cutlass removal -- Mark M31 AEOLUS, - Tuesday - 01/29/13 - 2:02pm

Doug's advice should make the job a bit easier. I would just add that in the removal of the shaft be careful if you use a slide hammer as some years ago I popped the threads off my original monel? shaft on the 2nd slide. A socket between the shaft flange and the tranny is a lot more work but safer it the flange is stubborn. Oh and don't forget to remove the pin thru the flange 1st (if it's like mine)
Good Luck

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