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Date Posted: - Sunday - 07/ 3/11 - 2:37pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Job Done
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "PVC it is...at least for now" on - Saturday - 07/ 2/11 - 12:09am

Thanks Mark and Paul for last round of advice.

Paul, on Murre the thru hull was actually AT or ABOVE the Aqua Lift muffler. (Done so before I bought the boat and in all these years I didn't catch the problem--worthy of ridicule: both the install and my failure).

Per your collective suggestions, I did move the rise forward a bit. So the run forward of the rise is now roughly equal to what it was before I added the rise, maybe a little less.

Though I measured THRICE, the exhaust hose was not 5cm ID as the OD of the fiberglass elbow going into it from the Aqua Lift suggested, but was ¼ inch or more smaller. (Not discovered as such until the hose was cut and I was thus beyond the point of return. This represents some sort of universal law that I wish we could repeal.) So, spent most of my time fashioning plugs to drive into the steel reinforced hose to expand it. One hose clamp is all I could fit on either side. Unfortunately this is the weakest part of the install, but I’ve tugged pretty hard at these connections and they’ve not budged.

The rest, cutting and gluing, was pretty straightforward. Whole job held in place with zip ties for now--all I have. But is solid.

Providentially, I happened to find a small piece of flexible ***PVC*** hose at the side of the road while walking back from the hardware store with my PVC pipe, which I have added to the top of the rise as a siphon break (cemented in place). Have run it for now into the cockpit where it dribbles a tiny bit of exhaust water when the line is under pressure--indicating water is passing through the exhaust hose without my having to lean over the stern.

Ran the engine for an hour and all appears to be well. To your points re heat issue, PVC was warm to the touch after an hour, but just that, so, was well below the 140* rated temp, I’d guess.

Real test will be the 450 mile run to the Tuamotus coming up in a couple days.

Pictures here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/63439824@N04/sets/72157627107299856/detail/

Thanks all (inluding Bruce, with whom many emails) for the feedback.


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[> [> Tuamotus -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Tuesday - 07/ 5/11 - 1:02pm

When you get over to the Tuamotus, Randall, make sure you stop at Rangiroa Atoll. I was there a couple of years ago, on the brigantine Robert C. Seamans. The snorkeling in the lagoon is marvelous, you can sip a cold brew in the on-the-water bar at the Kia Ora Resort and you can even pick up some black pearls for your BWW. Happy sailing!

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