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Date Posted: - Thursday - 09/17/09 - 2:45pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Water Tank Solutions

I am getting the winter project list together, and one item on it is to replace Murre's water tank.

In actuality she has two, both stainless. One is under the starboard settee and is the size of a large aquarium (it puts some serious starboard list on the boat if full, but it leaks, so I don’t) and one is under the VBerth, port side. Murre is already a tad down by the head due to her ample ground tackle, so this one is never used. Moreover, the logic of storing water in the bows of a stubby ketch completely escapes me, but let’s not go there.

I intend to have two permanent tanks, one under the starboard and one under port settees, but around 20 gallons each (half the current main cabin tank).

I could have them fashioned out of stainless, but that will be expensive and difficult to source.

Am thinking of going plastic. Specifically this plastic: http://www.jamestowndistributors.com/userportal/show_product.do?pid=15451&familyName=Vetus+Rigid+Plastic+Drinking+Water+Tanks

Any comments on the success of plastic tanks along the lines of water taste and serviceability?

I object to putting plastic on the boat, but this attitude is really unsupportable as the hull is entirely plastic and the decks are liberally layered with it.

Thanks in advance,


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[> water tanks -- Steve M-32 Sean O'Sea, - Thursday - 09/17/09 - 3:55pm

Try these folks, more options.


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[> Water Tanks -- Lyle Harris, - Friday - 09/18/09 - 3:47pm

Question for you on the new tank idea.
If you want two tanks, roughly the same size as the stainless one under the setee, why not pull that one out, cut it in half and make two? That's assuming the tank is still in good shape...

Greywolf has just the one tank under the setee. For a family of three, we drained it in 8 days, only using it for dish washing and shower water (as in filling my Solar shower bag and washing in the cockpit). The boat definately lists to the tank side, especially when the septic tank is full, which is on the same side under the V-berth.

Lyle Harris

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[> [> shower on M 31 -- John Farrar (puzzled), - Thursday - 12/17/09 - 2:04pm

Hey guys,

New to this forum. My wife and I are thinking about buying a Mariner 31 but would really like to know if it can be plumbed for a shower in the head. We think we have found a place for a propane water heater (boat has no hot water) and I think I can manage to get the hot water to the head but the question I have is how do I get rid of the used shower water which is now seaping through the sole of the head? Any suggestions?

Thanks much. Looking forward to joining the Mariner Club.

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[> [> [> Head Sole Drain -- Randall, Murre, Mariner 31, - Thursday - 12/17/09 - 4:59pm

Murre has a drain in the head sole that connects to a 1 1/2 inch rubber hose that runs back to the bilge. You could pump the grey water from there. If you don't have that drain, that's one alternative. It's a straight shot and an easy run.

But I'd be very careful about distributing too much hot water in the head too regularly. The entire frame is made of plywood, and, brochure photos aside, is not really designed to be a shower stall. Seal the heck out of the joints and paint it again!

You'll also need to cover the ceiling (i.e. the slats behind the toilet). Water hitting the slats will run along the inside of the boat to the "upper" bilge and make a mess of any storage you have under the floorboards.


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[> [> [> I reccommend this Mariner 31 -- Craig, M-31 #25 Hibou, - Thursday - 12/17/09 - 7:31pm


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[> [> [> [> Showers -- Craig M-31#25 Hibou, - Thursday - 12/17/09 - 10:06pm

I just got a call from my broker; apparently you've seen Hibou. Follow Randalf's advice.

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[> [> [> [> [> typo -- Craig, - Thursday - 12/17/09 - 10:15pm

Sorry for the typo Randall. But then, since you are a wizard with these boats Randalf kind of works.

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[> [> [> [> [> typo -- Randalf, - Friday - 12/18/09 - 12:52pm

No worries--that was a good laugh. And thanks for the compliment, but wizardry ain't in it, or if it is, then it suggests Gandalf spent much of his time beffuddled and scratching his head and explains why the ring cycle was almost 2000 pages of book.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Wizardry -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Friday - 12/18/09 - 3:12pm

I believe befuddled head scratching and mumbling in tounges (obscenities)all part of wizardry and boat repair.

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[> water tanks -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Friday - 12/18/09 - 8:53pm

I just removed a stainless water tank from under the port settee. The weird thing is that it was a starboard tank meaning it is the same shape as the tank under the starboard settee(larger aft and tapering forward). So the way it was installed it was larger in the front and just fit with some butchering of the settee. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that will not be reinstalling it and if anyone is interested it's available. I'm thinking of maybe having a tank under the port side some day, but if I do it would be smaller so as to not take up all the storage area there. If anyone is interested I can provide measurements and photos and we'll talk price(cheap).

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[> [> Shower stall -- Doug Wilson, - Tuesday - 02/23/10 - 1:34am

I put a shower pan in Cactus Tree, drains to a West Marine sump. I removed the worthless sink in the head and ran the drain there.
Put in a one gallon bug sprayer, fill half with cold water, half with hot, shower curtain all around.
Have not used it much, but it works.
Can send pictures if any one is interested.

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