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Date Posted: - Friday - 12/18/09 - 8:53pm
Author: Dan M32 #36 Independence
Subject: water tanks
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "Water Tank Solutions" on - Thursday - 09/17/09 - 2:45pm

I just removed a stainless water tank from under the port settee. The weird thing is that it was a starboard tank meaning it is the same shape as the tank under the starboard settee(larger aft and tapering forward). So the way it was installed it was larger in the front and just fit with some butchering of the settee. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that will not be reinstalling it and if anyone is interested it's available. I'm thinking of maybe having a tank under the port side some day, but if I do it would be smaller so as to not take up all the storage area there. If anyone is interested I can provide measurements and photos and we'll talk price(cheap).

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[> [> Shower stall -- Doug Wilson, - Tuesday - 02/23/10 - 1:34am

I put a shower pan in Cactus Tree, drains to a West Marine sump. I removed the worthless sink in the head and ran the drain there.
Put in a one gallon bug sprayer, fill half with cold water, half with hot, shower curtain all around.
Have not used it much, but it works.
Can send pictures if any one is interested.

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