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Date Posted: - Monday - 02/15/10 - 8:32am
Author: Captain John
Subject: Hull number
In reply to: Bill Ashnehart 's message, "Doc Numer" on - Sunday - 02/14/10 - 5:29pm

Thanks for the info. The uscg doc number and the number on the mast support beam are the same. 532488 Does this number have anything to do with the hull number or is it a random builder number? Seems to me me it should stand for something. If this is not the hull number where do I find it? Also, does anyone know where to get replacement locks for the head and closet doors? My full mortise locks were rusted to the point I had do drill them to peices. Thanks again.

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[> [> [> [> Hull number -- Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea, - Monday - 02/15/10 - 11:42am

The USCG documentation number is required to be permanently affixed to the boat. On our boats it is most likely carved into a beam somewhere. On your boat evidently the main mast support beam. That number has nothing to do with Far East Yachts, or Clair Yachts, etc. The hull number as assigned from the manufacturer can be found in any number of places. Usually it is burned into the mast support as previously described but it is also found on the back of drawers, on the back of the cutting board, top of doors and any other parts that were built off the boat and installed later. The workers used the hull number as a ID to keep parts straight. So, go looking through your lockers and drawers and you should find some pencil or pen writing that will let you know what the hull number is.

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[> [> [> [> [> Hull number--Door lock -- Captain John, - Tuesday - 02/16/10 - 8:00am

Thanks Steve, that is the info I was looking for. Now I have to start looking for that hull number. Hopefully it is still somewhere on the boat. It was rebuilt after it sank in Huracane George, before I owened her. Any insites on where to find replacement locks for the head and closet?

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