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Date Posted: - Thursday - 03/ 4/10 - 11:45pm
Author: Craig Parker M32 Ashlinka
Subject: Solid Fuel Heater
In reply to: David Barrow 's message, "solid fuel stove installation, advice sought!" on - Friday - 10/23/09 - 9:53am

Hi David and Kathy, I also have the Ratelco bulkhead heater on Ashlinka. There seems to be no issues with blistering varnish but the bulkhead to which it's mounted is all tile.
Kathy, I almost bought the Halibut for my M32 but decided that the galley modification would be far to great for it to be feasible. The biggest problems being the chimney placement and cabinetry clearance. I have a vent almost directly above the stove but if I were to put a Charlie Noble in its place I would be certain to have dodger issues with the heat/smoke. My port settee is shorter than most I've seen with a sort-of end table at the forward end where the Ratelco is mounted. I am considering the Sardine for that area since the chimney will be already plumbed. By the way, Andrew, from Navigator, is incorporating a tempered glass side for the Little Cod and Sardine for those of us that enjoy not just the heat, but the warm glow from the fire. Also, Shipmate has resumed stove making it seems...an eBay search revealed that to me the other evening.
This probably wasn't much help but thought I'd add my 2 cents as I LOVE the ambiance of a crackling wood fire on a chilly damp evening.
Kindest regards,

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[> [> wood stoves-chain plates-dingy chocks -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Wednesday - 03/10/10 - 12:08am

Hey Parkers,
I was glad to get your two cents. I answered your post but my message got wiped out with those spamers. I did order the Halibut, and yes modification is under way as I speak. Since I had to remove the old icebox and the dryrotted wood underneath, now was the time for modification. I didn't like taking out the corner counter. but it's nice to have a removable board next to the port aide of the engine, so that's what's happening and so now my stove fits with good clearance.
I was curious how you have your chain plates backed? Also, are you carrying your dingy on the top of your cabin top? Yours truly, Kathy

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