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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 03/17/10 - 10:18pm
Author: Vernon Bonnell (Joyful)
Hull # 54 reporting for duty..Mariner 32'
After a complete demo of house, cockpit and bridges , and planking installed I thought I was alone in this world. Tireless , wearysome , drudging work has finally brought Joy *her name* closer to getting splashed.
Finding this network of Mariner owners has brought even more joy to a joy filled Joy. I'm really just amazed that I've trodden the road so frequented by others here. I sit in her port side quarter berth on my laptop as Joy is drydocked in my yard.
After it's all said and done, I'll litteraly know just about every square inch of this boat. Why can't I know that KJB just as well ?
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Welcome, Vernon and Joy -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Thursday - 03/18/10 - 2:29am
Many of the paths are well trodden, as you say, but we still would like to see your pictures of the scenery. One man's crooked branch is another man's hanging knee, after all.
Welcome to the club of the boat struck and enslaved. It can be hell some days, but we all have the pleasure of saying we chose it freely (if sometimes also naively).
When do you anticipate splashing, and where is your back yard relative to, say, a large body of salt water?
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Vernon's Joy feels very welcome -- Vernon Bonnell, - Thursday - 03/18/10 - 10:21pm
Hi Randall. Would you call struck and enslaved a man living on his Mariner in his yard 50' away from a perfectly habitable mobile home ? Well ,I have a mind to agree.
Joy is in a neiborhood under the airstrip of NASP , and say 5 miles from the splash zone. ( which happens to be a name brand of an excellent 2 part puddy epoxy, and marine applicable )
Joy is on stilts here and she has a 3/4" water line and a 30A line run to her. It's almost like the real thing, until you open the companion way and walk down a flight of stairs and realize you're not under the water line. Her drain plug is unscrewed and sitting on a creosote block , one of four that's taking her weight.
Maybe she'll get wet this year. pics soon.
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Welcome to the gang -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Saturday - 03/20/10 - 1:10am
Hi Vernon,
Why would you even think there was something wrong living on Joy, on the hard. The only thing wrong is the deck doesn't move under your feet. So, hopefully you'll get Joy back in the drink soon. Hope you send pictures of your pretty Mariner soon.
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Welcome from a fellow newbe -- Paul M31 #106, - Monday - 03/22/10 - 10:22am
Mine is on the dry in a barn, 500 miles north from here. I will bring her home in May, weather permitting.
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Setting Stancheons -- Vernon Bonnell, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 2:52pm
Need some help over here. I'm setting stancheons for safety lines and I know they need to be placed ever so right for the sheets to work.
Can an anonymous fellow take a minute and measure from the bow shackle (where the safety line meets the gangplank) to the foot of the first stancheon and the same to the second and third ?
Thank you before hand .
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This should help...??? -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 5:06pm
I measured the stanchion locations on Murre a while back. Go here for my results: http://www.marineryachts.com/archives/M31-%2032%20-%20Life%20Line%20Stanchion%20Specs.html
One further suggestion: On Murre, water gathers at the stanchion base where it touches the toe rail for several of the mid boat bases. So, move them in board so that there is a little pass through between the back of the base and the toe rail.
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stanchion placement starboard side -- Vernon M32 # 54, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 9:30pm
Thank you, Randall #1 for showing me there are awesome pics of Murre in the archives on the MOA site and #2 for taking the time to meticulously graph your journey through time and rotted layers of substrate.
I am quizzical , however , of the starboard placement of the p2 stanchion being 120 1/2 " from p1 (the first stanchion)
In the final pic of Murre as she was about to be splashed , the first two posts are fastened and the starboard side is just slightly aft of the bow stay which would be about 50" from p1 which makes me conclude that I'm not reading your prints correctly.
Btw,when do you think the MOA admin will update the owners page ?
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Hmmm. -- Randall, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 11:58pm
Well, I was a much younger man when I took those measurements, and they now look criptic to me too, but I ***think*** the answer is as follows...
Working from bow to stern, the first stanchion aft of the pulpit is placed in the same position on both port and starboard. Both P1 (first stanchion on the port side) and S1 (first stanchion on the starboard side) are located 64 3/4" aft of the pulpit bases.
The lifelines then pass around the outside of the main mast standing rigging, so there's a long run without a stanchion on both sides. P2 is placed at 106" and S2 at 120" aft of P1 and S1 respectively. The difference here is due to the gate on the starboard side, which is not repeated on the port side.
Does that answer?
I'm certain of the stanchion placement. On the 31, the stanchions fasten to the deck and toe rail. Though I'd not measured for the stanchions prior to the deck job, we replaced the old toe rail and so I had the fastener holes in the to rail to guide me.
Exactitude here is not necessary. You could eye ball nice even distances from one stanchion to another and be fine I think.
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That damned admin -- Randall, - Thursday - 03/25/10 - 12:15am
His name is Bill Kranidis. He owned Carpe Diem (an M31) for many years and did more restoration work than most of us will have the courage to attack in this lifetime. He also did all the early research on Mariner origin and history, etc., as outlined on the MOA site. Oh yes, and he built the MOA site and has maintained it these eons with no help or remuneration from all of us cranky owners.
He does tend to get a little snarky when we call him "the site admin", though. Watch that. He may post photos of your boat upside down as his minor revenge. (Please know I'm kidding...)
Site updates are consistent--usually between 30 and 60 days out.
Patience! :)
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