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Date Posted: - Saturday - 03/20/10 - 11:18am
Author: Mark, M31, #62
Subject: Packing Gland
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "Replacing Packing Gland Material" on - Friday - 03/19/10 - 8:52pm

Another great write-up by Randall, nice pics. Been so long since I've replaced my packing I didn't even know they made "dripless packing". Here's a site with somemore good info on the subject http://www.wptinc.net/wpt_tech.html. Thanks again Randall, yet another thing to add to the "to do" list :)

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[> Material advances and time of job -- Randall, - Saturday - 03/20/10 - 8:54pm

Forgot to mention the job took about three hours. I was really pleased I'd chosen to be taught this one as it would have taken me all day. For example, I wouldn't have known to look for three rings of packing, nor would I have ever thought of the nut removal trick.

Thanks Mark. I felt such relief over getting the job done I just had to write it up. Funny how some jobs can really knaw at you. Have been feeling fairly discouraged of Murre this winter. Gloomy, wet weather, a rewiring job that goes on and on, and a leaky stern gland had left me feeling blue. But I woke the morning after this job with affection again for the old girl.

Speaking of material advances, I mentioned to Ken that when I had the packing replaced last (four/five years ago?) I'd been told it was a drippless install. "Funny," he said, "packing material has undergone a revolution in the last two years w/GTU and Teflon grease, etc. I can't imagine them calling it 'drippless' back then."

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[> [> Packing Rudder Post -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Sunday - 03/21/10 - 11:25am

The rudder post also has three strands of packing flax, which after 25 years was surprisingly discovered when the deck was being taken off. After 40 years it looked in good shape, so don't be to concerned. I'm learning as I sail along.

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