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Date Posted: - Monday - 03/22/10 - 6:43pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: a couple 4108 questions

I fantasize about repowering Murre.

It's mostly a fantacy. The old Perkins 4108 has great compression and starts right up. It's just that 1) it leaks oil and 2) it leaks coolant (around the base of the cap neck--the weld is corroded). These leaks mean the cabin often smells like the inside of a UBoat. For myself, the inside of a UBoat has a certain old world charm. For the wife, not so much.

So two questions:

1) Could I sell the old engine? Has anyone sold their old engine? What might I get for it?

2) I know I can't fix the oil leak myself and that to the fix is a big job for a mechanic. I should, however, be able to replace the coolant tank, but I can't figure how to get it off. Anyone replaced that before?


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[> The ol Perkins -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Tuesday - 03/23/10 - 11:30pm

The old Perkins has a special spot with me, too. I don't know what I would do, but in the mean time you could take a cup of diesel fuel and leave it uncovered at your house so Joanna gets used to the U Boat phenomena.

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[> [> Replace the radiator flange. -- Capt'n Mike "Gypsy Mariner" TM36K, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 12:46am

You can buy just the new radiator flange. I replaced mine on my 4-108 when I had the same problem. Think I bought it from Trans Atlantic Diesel. On my 4-108 you remove the two bolts on the coolant tank to the right side of where the flange bolts to the tank. Also remove the various coolant hoses. You also need to remove the coolant tank to change the termostat, so you might want to do that while you're at it. You will need to drain the coolant and that can get a little messy. Might as well take the heat exchanger out while you're at it, give it an acid bath, and replace the zinc. As for the oil leaks, make sure you aren't using a multigrade oil. When I tried one once, my 4-108 started leaking oil like crazy. Also, I put a Walker Airsep filter on my Perkins and that has helped with the oil leaks.

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[> [> [> Oil grade question -- Craig, Mariner for Life, - Monday - 07/ 5/10 - 1:36am

What is the right grade oil for our Perkins 4-108? Mine leaks a litle all over. Hopig a ifferet oil will solve without the rebuild.

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[> Great stuff -- Randall, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 1:20am

Kathy, that was hilarious. Shared your solution with Joanna. We had a good laugh. Sadly, your idea was turned down flat. UBoat smells are striclty forbidden from my (Joanna's) house. Now that I think of it, that was actually in the prenup. :)

Mike, thanks much. I'll have to look for the flange this weekend when I'm back at the boat...not quite sure what you're referring to. Will check out Trans Atlantic Deisel. I'll also check out the Walker. Never heard of it--curious to know how it helps.

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[> [> Look on page 21 of the 4-108 Part Manual -- Capt'n Mike, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 1:47am

Look on page 21 of the 4-108 Parts Manual found on this web site. The flange is #9 on the diagram. This is the part I replaced. I think it came with a new cap as well. My cap is on the left side as you face the engine, not the right side as this diagram shows.

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[> [> No flange -- Randall, - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 5:00pm

Thanks Mike. I'll check again--maybe I'm just missing it--but on Murre's Perkins I think the flange and the tank are one unit.

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