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Date Posted: - Saturday - 06/19/10 - 1:15pm
Author: Patricia Kilson
Subject: Mariner 40 for sale in San Diego - needs work

There is a Mariner 40 for sale at San Diego Boat Movers for only $1,900. She has been completely torn down for refurbishing and then abandoned. She needs a loving home; someone to fix her up and sail her around the world! This is the boat my family owned about 30 years ago, her name is Carina. We lived on Carina for 3 years and I've even written a book about her (contact me by email if you are interested in the book). I've been searching for Carina to find what's become of her and last week I finally found her. Please check Carina out at: http://www.sandiegoboatmovers.com/for_sale/for_sale_Mariner_40.htm#entry

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[> M40 for sale -- Brian Sweeney, - Tuesday - 06/29/10 - 10:27am

Hey Patricia,
Are you in Southern California? I see your email is something Alaska. Carina looks interesting, but I already have a Mariner 36. My M36 has several projects going on, but she is seaworthy and I usually sail her by myself. If you are around SC I would be happy to take you for a day sail. Bring a friend(s) if you would like.

Brian Sweeney 1973 M 36 "GRAN MARINER" Hull #9

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[> [> M40 for sale -- Patty Kilson, - Tuesday - 06/29/10 - 9:52pm

I live in AK, although I used to live in San Diego for a short time. I have recently found Carina, the boat my family owned when I was a teenager. We lived on Carina from 1976-1978. It's sad for me to see her sitting in dry-dock for all these years just waiting for a good home. So I thought I'd help out San Diego Boat Movers by posting her for sale here...there's been a little interest but most people aren't wanting to put the work into her that's needed. I came across this site while searching for her.

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