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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 03/24/10 - 9:58pm
Author: scott aumuller m31 # 70 BOOJUM (happy happy joy joy)
Subject: u boat smell

Hi guys I am the new owner of BOOJUM hull 70 1970 m31 mine was pretty well maintained but I still had to put a few $ into her but Icouldnt be happier she is a doll of a boat my 1100 hr 107/108 {Icant really tell which} starts and runs great but she still smells like diesel but what diesel boat doesnt? its all part of the charm I got to take her on my first real outing {shakedown} last wk in FL took her down the intercoastal on a 25 mile broad reachwith 20-25 knots of wind off my starbord quarter it was a dream and all went great!I'M in love . Had to motor back though into the same 20-25 knts got a bit wet but so what!any way she burned a fair amount of fuel ,any one have a sense of the gph rate at 1500 rpm?just want to know an approx burn rate thanks thanks to all scott Boojum #70 m31

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[> Welcome Scott -- Paul M31 #106, - Thursday - 03/25/10 - 2:51pm

I just got my Mariner myself - you are one step ahead of me having sailed on yours already. My shakedown cruise is scheduled for mid-May - 500 milies down the East Coast. I am hoping that my only "problem" will be some diesel smell and spray over the bow, as well.

AS regards diesel fuel consumption, assuming you are propped correctly, the Perkins/Westebeke should purr pretty nice at 1500 rpm and easily push you at almost hull speed (6.8 knots).

The previous owner of my the Guillemot tells me she runs hull speed at about the same rpms on the engine, while consuming around 3/4 gallon per hour.

Guillemot has the three bladed prop, I believe 12 x 16...

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[> [> thanks -- scott aumuller m31 # 70 BOOJUM, - Thursday - 03/25/10 - 11:47pm

Paul thanks for responding I hope all goes well I am trying to go to key west in june from cocoa beach that will be my first big adventure.where are you sailing from and to?

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[> [> Scott, -- Paul M31 #106, - Friday - 03/26/10 - 9:31pm

The Guillemot is sitting in a barn in Sorrento, ME, just north of Acadia Park. Launch and shake down are planned for first week in May; the trip down the coast to Raritan Bay, where I will put her on her mooring at Raritan Yacht Club, will start shortly thereafter, with a quick detour to Castine, Maine, where my oldest son lives and goes to Maine Maritime Academy... He's one of my crew... ;-)

Weather permitting, she'll hang from her mooring before May 23.

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[> [> Raritan Bay = New York City area -- Paul M31 #106, - Friday - 03/26/10 - 9:36pm

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[> [> [> Right Ocean Sailor -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Friday - 03/26/10 - 11:43pm

Welcome to the club Scott,
Glad you're having fun on Boojum. Hey, Boojum an Shadow both hit the 40 year together. I wonder who was built first? I have always used a two blade prop on Shadow until 2004 when we sailed to the MOA rendezvous, Shadow was sporting a three blade then. The three blade really made a difference in performance. I'd make a guess at a half a knot or made one whole knot. Has anyone gotten one of those feathering props?
Yours truly, Kathy

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[> [> [> [> hellow shadow -- scott, - Saturday - 03/27/10 - 1:16am

Boojum has a three blade I 'dlike to know about a feathering prop also as luckily I have the time and money to do stuff now I think I will put a mack pack on the main do you have any exp with these? Does any one know about any kind of get together coming up Thanks to all scott

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[> [> [> [> [> Upgrade -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Monday - 03/29/10 - 12:02am

I've been upgrading on Shadow discreetly, but a feathering prop's been on the list for some time. Lee shores put the fear in me, and a three blade prop on our over sized Perkins seems logical.
Since Shadow's been on the hard for some time now, it seemed a good time to make some new sails. These new sails are battenless and would probably work well with the Mack Pack, but first I'll take Shadow for a spin, so, you'll probably have yours first. Let me know what you think.
Paul/Guillemot might try to organize a 2010 rendezvous.

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[> [> [> [> CAUTION for feathering props -- GeneVT, - Monday - 03/29/10 - 1:24pm

We had researched a feathering prop for SANDPIPER (TM36C). It was not to be!

The prop would not fit and function in the rudder aperture space.
We actually made a cardboard mock-up and tried to fit in into the space.

Perhaps you have more room.

Good luck.

best wishes,



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