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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 03/31/10 - 4:57pm
Author: kaizen m31 #148
Subject: anyone have a heat problem with dark hull paint.

i was wondering if dark hulls create to much heat in a area that is hot all year . i plan living aboard in st thomas .and love the way mariners look painted dark ..

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[> dark hull -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Wednesday - 03/31/10 - 11:54pm

We haven't had a heat problem with Hibou's dark green hull. But then again we're in Seattle so getting her warm is the real issue.
The boat we are restoring to take to the tropics also has a dark green hull and lots of opening ports.

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[> [> Not good for wood hulls. -- Bruce, - Friday - 04/ 2/10 - 3:40pm

If you have an older FEY Mariner or H28 w/ a wood hull, dark hull paint would not be good for the calking seams. The added heat gain tends to dry out the seam compound at an accelerated rate. With fiberglass hulls it is more of a comfort issued and depends on where one plans on sailing.

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[> Dark hull -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Friday - 04/ 2/10 - 1:19am

I've been struggling with that question for quite a while. There was a thread on the Cruisers Forum adout dark hull colors and a lot of people were convinced it was a bad idea in the lower latitudes. But there were a few that had dark hulls and were in the tropics and said it wasn't a problem. I've decided to paint my hull dark green because I like it. Since I live in the NW like Craig it's actually an advantage to have a dark hull. I also have a San Juan 24 that I painted dark blue about 9 years ago and it does help keep the inside drier in the winter. I guess I'll find out if it was a good idea if and when I ever go south. Mariners also have the advantage of an insulated hull. The deck should be kept a light color.

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[> Ask me next year -- Jared Kibele, - Friday - 04/ 2/10 - 11:48am

Architeuthis also has a dark green hull. We're heading for the tropics next November (Santa Barbara to Mexico, French Polynesia, possibly Samoa and then on to New Zealand). Maybe we'll be boiled alive (as suggested in that Cruisers Forum thread) but I doubt it. As Dan pointed out, the Mariners are better insulated than most boats. I know that a friend with a Catalina 34 struggles to keep his boat warm during mild California winters while Architeuthis is nice and warm while running the same little electric heater about 1/4 as much as he does.

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