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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 06/30/10 - 12:38pm
Author: Jared Kibele
Subject: South
In reply to: Randall 's message, "Heading South" on - Tuesday - 06/29/10 - 7:44pm

If you leave in mid October, we should still be in Ventura when you get this far south. It would be great if you could stop by and see us. If you end up leaving a week or two later (or if you take the trip down here at a really leisurely pace), we might even be able to head further south at the same time and parallel each other for a while. Let's try to keep in touch as the departure dates get closer.

Speaking of chainplates... Do you still have the original chainplates? Have you measured their thickness at all? I was told that the deck was rebuilt on my boat back in 2000 or 2001 and that she was rerigged around the same time. The parts of my chainplates that I can see, look pretty new so I'm hoping they were replaced (hopefully with thicker SS) at the same time. We're going to replace the standing rigging in October and if I can establish that my chainplates are not the originals, I may opt to leave them as they are. I'd really like to avoid ripping them out if I can. It looks like a pretty nasty job.


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[> [> [> chainplates -- Randall, - Wednesday - 06/30/10 - 2:55pm

Bruce would be the guy to handle your chainplate question. On Murre the original plate is fairly thin. I replaced two chainplates in 03 with a thicker guage, but I don't remember either.


Hey, re the trip down, have you given thought to pacific side stopovers? I'm torn whether to do it in two or three big legs or gunkhole. I'd really like to explore the area around Scammons, for example, but Capt (forgot his last name) in MEXICO BOATER'S GUIDE strongly recommends against recreational craft getting themselves that far into a lee-shore bay. Not entirely sure why as Murre must be at least as weatherly as a fully loaded square rigged sailing ship. If just...

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