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Date Posted: - Monday - 01/12/15 - 3:32am
Author: Caleb Bloxham Ardea #115
Subject: hard yakka but worth it for me
In reply to: Colby 's message, "Looking at a Mariner 31-- Do I go for it?" on - Sunday - 01/ 4/15 - 1:54am

Gday, we also bought our boat in need of a bit of repair and upon digging found that replacement was more the word.

It cost us about $15000 nzd and 3 months of full time labour, blood, sweat etc.

We replaced the decks, rebuilt the mast step, replaced the chainplates (3 were cracked right through and the rest weren't flash) repainted everything and a whole heap of little items, one day soon when I find some time I will post a write up. We got an excellent deal and I would have happily paid twice the price for the deal we got. We pulled the rig and went in to a shed and lived on her the whole time!

Would I do it again? Still on the fence on that one. I'm in a situation where I should probably sell the boat due to career comittments getting in the way of our plans to sail the pacific for a few year, but as yet I can't find the heart to put her up for sale even though it would probably be best.

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[> Anxious, Eh? -- Lawrence Hall, - Tuesday - 01/13/15 - 11:20am

Hello, Anxious Colby.

Appreciate RR's input and counsel re your consternation. A sailboat can be/is an expensive proposition in extrapolated costs...berthing fees, for example, not to mention essential restorations and improvements. It's also a consuming, noble life-passion (Cap "P"). Have and maintain the Passion and come to terms with the definition of "B-O-A-T" being "Bring-Out-Another-Thousand." Get used to it. Long live Passions!

I am steward to my fast-approaching "Bristol" M31 vessel, "Venture." Supporting the passion of Venture (#158), I live and work in Dubai...fly back and forth every few months working on the boat and/or coordinating work by others on same. The passion reached interesting proportions last year...to the extreme that I've taken a sabbatical for a year, live on Venture, sail her pants off, continue with updates and upgrades. Such a personal Passion! "Bring Out Another Thousand!"

The ubiquitous problem of soft decks on Mariners is simply a given. Will soon take an essential step backward (?) and tear 'em up, replace. FYI, I spent a huge amount of "Boat Units" on a full canvas body glove for Venture...keeps her fully protected and the water out when static...and lends to keeping the extensive bright-work bright!

G'luck. Happy to correspond with you. Maintain the passion!

Lawrence Hall

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