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Date Posted: - Monday - 05/13/19 - 7:44am
Author: Jason (EXCITED)
Subject: Purchasing 31 Mariner, maybe

Hello all!

I stumbled upon a Mariner 31 will looking at a different plastic boat at the marina yesterday and nearly fell in love with the Mariners looks. I’ve googled and YouTubed since returning home yesterday but there isn’t much information available so hoping I can get some info from here.

Let me preface this by saying I have a lot more sweat and blood than money so while some of these questions may dissuade most, I need to find a boat I can buy economically and invest labor, so unless one of these issues is a death nail, please don’t tell me to walk away, instead provide guidance on past experience in repairing.

First question, the current owner is an older gentleman who bought it a couple of years ago and never left the marina. It hasn’t been sailed/started in at least 5 years, unknown past that. Because of this, it hasn’t been hauled/painted in unknown number of years. Are the bulls of the Mariners prone to osmotic blisters and are the rudders prone to decay? The marina isn’t equipped to haul the boat, closest one is ~45 miles and engine condition is unknown so hauling for survey isn’t really an option.

The coach roof has several rotten spots, primarily around the windows. The boat is full of clutter so I can’t really inspect the entire cabin area, other than port lights are there any troublesome spots that are prone to rot I should make extra effort to inspect?

The owner said he “thinks” the motor name starts with a P, but beyond that couldn’t tell me anything about it. Assuming it’s a Perkins and also assuming maintenance has been sporadic at best, what areas of the engine should I focus my due diligence?

Does anyone know where the fuel tank is and does it have any inspection hatches to view condition?

The helm wheel moved freely, I did observe the chain driven rudder movements and they did not appear to have any slop or play but the entire steering apparatus was wet. Are there any specific items with this rearward facing steering mechanism I should be aware of?

I’ll stop there and sincerely thank anyone who takes the time to answer any of these questions. I can tell this boat has the potential to be the Belle of the Ball but need a little help looking past the current makeup.....

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[> Hull #58 has been found!! -- jason892 (Celebrating!!), - Saturday - 06/ 1/19 - 5:59pm

Hull # 58 of a 1969 Mariner 31 ketch is officially mine!! It’s name today is Caribbe Dream but will be S/V Someday upon Coast Guard documentation. She is located in Slidell, Louisiana and between substantial restoration and refits will enjoy weekends in Big Easy until I retire and she begins her journey over the horizon!! Most of her is in dire need of attention and my pockets are fairly shallow so the restoration will be a multi-year effort. Anyone else working or considering a 31 feel free to ping me for pics of specific problem areas and costs associated (if an area I have already fixed).

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[> [> Hull # 58 -- Geoffrey (Excited), - Wednesday - 06/ 5/19 - 1:15pm

Congrats on your new find! I will also be tagging along with you on 1971 Hull # 89, which I am in the process of acquiring. It too will require some extensive restoration and refitting, to which I will also be spacing it out over two years. I sent you an email from my gmail account, so feel free to contact me anytime through there, and I'll update you as I go as well. Here's to the good old boats!!!


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