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Date Posted: - Thursday - 06/18/09 - 4:41pm
Author: Bill Kranidis

Hello everyone. I just received a note form this gentleman and I'm posting his request below. Anyone who has any time and/or knows anyone with the courage to attack this project please reply to this email. His email address is: BPrice@co.marin.ca.us

My name is Bill Price and I am Harbor Administrator for the Richardson's Bay Regional Agency. Recently, I took possession of a M40 when it was relinquished by her disabled owner. The vessel is named Summer Wind, and she is fiberglass, with a startable Perkins, wooden spars (in storage) and an intact interior. However, the decks and cockpit need to be replaced, and the water leaking below has caused an incredible mold problem and has likely destroyed the chainplates. No rigging, no sails, and no real electronic gear aboard aside from a battery charger. I would love to pass this along to an owner capable of restoring her, but I refuse to pass the boat along to your garden variety dreamer who will let it slip further until it ends up as a homeless shelter (happens all the time here). So I will end up destroying the boat unless I can find a perfect candidate. The boat is in Northern California, and I have amassed about 2K in bills so far in storage and towing. Since I work for the public, I am only looking to recover my costs, so it could be a great opportunity for a Mariner afficionado.
Any assistance you can offer would be appreciated.
Let me know if I can answer any more questions.

Bill Price

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[> Restoration! -- Bruce Allen, - Friday - 06/19/09 - 12:54pm

Howdy Bill,
Have you thought of contacting Bob Darr or Rob Thompson at the Arques School of Traditional Boatbuilding? Maybe they could also help with finding a capable new owner?
In the meantime, I'll spread the word.
thanks very much,

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