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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 07/29/09 - 11:31pm
Author: Terry Bradlow (Sea Voyager)
Subject: Sea Voyager Photos

I just added 5 new albums of photo's from the trip on the website. There are a few hundred photos to look at so check it out and let me know your comments. I'll be adding to the blog soon of a detailed account of the trip and the work.

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[> Sympathy Card -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Thursday - 08/ 6/09 - 12:26pm

Oh, Lordy, Lordy, Terry, you have my deepest condolences for the sad condition of your Mariner. Basically, you bought a hull. (And the wheel looks like it's in pretty good shape, too.) You have so much work to do and it will take longer than you think, but I can see by the photos that you are a "young feller," so I'll bet you are up to the task.

My best wishes for success as you proceed with the demo and move on to the re-build. We'll be watching as you convert Sea Voyager from a hulk back to a yacht.

If you need any pictures to go by when you begin the re-build or any other way I might be of help -- short of flying to NC and doing some work -- feel free to contact me.

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[> [> Thanks Lawrence -- Terry, - Thursday - 08/ 6/09 - 5:07pm

Yup there is a lot of work to be done but it will be done just longer then I thought. I found myself a master ships wright that teaches at a boat building school there. I'm going to let him use the boat as a project with his students. I'm going to let them do the hard stuff and then I'll do the rest. Thanks for the input and carefull what you say I just might take you up on your offer. Thanks again

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[> Win-Win Situation -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Friday - 08/ 7/09 - 4:29pm

Excellent, Terry, now that's what I call a win-win situation! The students get to learn, while restoring a classic vessel and you benefit from their work. Such a deal for everyone involved. That's working smart.
I'm off to go sailing. Catch you later.

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