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Date Posted: - Monday - 08/10/09 - 3:59pm
Author: Mark M31 Aeolus
Subject: Exhaust
In reply to: Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea 's message, "Exhaust elbow" on - Saturday - 08/ 8/09 - 2:52pm

Steve, I was hoping you would get some response from your inquires as I'm also interested as to what others are using for the exhaust system. I had a similar vertical steel muffler on Aeolus when I acquired her, which was replaced once w/a similar design. Some years later I ran across a south-african who had "made " a vernilift type muffler from a 4" PVC Y. I'm not kidding, I too installed one and it's been working for 15 to 20 yrs! The obvious draw back is you can't let the system stop pumping water. As for the exhaust elbow, I made one from Galvanized pipe fittings,(which now acts a backup), as I'm using one made from bronze pipe fittings now. If you need any specs. let me know. Mark

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[> Water Lift Muffler -- Bruce, - Wednesday - 08/12/09 - 12:32pm

Hello Steve, I used a Vernalift 2" size water lift muffler. I fabricated the exhaust pipe out of 1-1/2" schedule 80 galvanized pipe, and galvanized elbow fittings. I purchased a stainless flexible exhaust pipe section from MASA (Marine Exhaust of Alabama), and purchased Stainless Steel 2" size elbow, 1" nipple, and 2" hose barb to construct a mixing El. The Mixing El was fabricated by drilling a hole, and welding the 1" nipple through the hole into the 2" elbow, then connecting it to the 1-1/2" exhaust pipe through a stainless steel reducer fitting. All the mixing El fittings were made from 316 stainless purchased online at Avtar Steel http://www.avtarsteels.com/steel-accessories.html
The muffler was instaalled in the cockpit lazerette adjacent to the ice box. I built a small platform and glassed it into the hull. It all came out fairly tidy, and works great. By upsizing the muffler and mixing elbow, the back pressure on the exhaust stayed roughly the same as the old fabricated muffler, which was replaced. Sent me an email and I could send you photos, if you like. Have fun,

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