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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 09/15/09 - 9:53pm
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Tankage--Question to Doug on Cactus Tree

Hey Doug,

I notice in your photos on MOA you've added a tank under the, I think, port side settee in the main cabin.

Is it stainless or aluminum, how many gallons, and where did you get it?

Murre has one huge water tank on starboard (that leaks from the access hatch if over full, and oh, by the way, the access hatch is corroded solid and can't be budged). So, I want to exchange that for two tanks, one under each settee, port and starboard.

And yours looks to fit nicely. Mind sharing your information?

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[> Tank -- Doug Wilson, - Wednesday - 09/16/09 - 5:19pm

Hi Randall,
The tank is aluminum, got it at West Marine, it is 18 gallons.
Fits well but the fill sticks up a bit.
I use it for diesel, I like lots of fuel.


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[> So much fuel? -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Wednesday - 09/16/09 - 11:50pm

Thanks man.

Why so much fuel? Is it a function of cruising in Mexico that one motor's a ton?


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[> [> Fuel -- Doug Wilson, - Sunday - 09/20/09 - 4:01pm

It seems that there's either no wind or it blows from where you want go. Also if I make a crossing say, from Los Frailes to Mazatlan, I want to get there in the daylight. With my 30 gallons in the cockpit, I hold 86 gallons.
I also still may try South Pacific so I'd like to have enough to get offshore for the trades, and have a reserve to get to an anchorage under power. I'm not a real good sailor either. Still learning.
For now I'm stuck in Marina Seca, San Carlos, which is still trying to recover from Hurricane Jemena over two weeks ago. I have no power or water in the work yard so not much work getting done. But I still love it down here.

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