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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 09/22/09 - 12:49pm
Author: Randall, M31, Murre
Subject: Protecting the top of the bow sprit

Murre has a new bowsprit of solid doug fir made by a local of Bruce's (Gitano Vela) recommendation. Hung by its ends in my garage and in the process of receiving two coats of Bristol a day, it's a thing of beauty.

As I contemplate its installation, I worry most about its top side between the samson posts and the bow. On my current sprit, this seems to be one of the most vulnerable areas, often trod upon and, if you anchor out often as we do, nicked and dinged by chain and shackles. I can't keep varnish on it (of course, having given up on the old sprit, I haven't really tried in a while either).

I am contemplating glassing this top section in order to strengthen the surface area against such abuse. I was also thinking of hedging my bet by glassing it ON TOP of the varnish so that if it turned out to be a mistake, I could pull it off without injuring the wood.

Any thoughts on this hair brained solution? Any better ones?


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[> glass over varnish -- Lyle Harris, - Tuesday - 09/22/09 - 7:03pm

Hi Randall,
For some reason, I think the glass or epoxy over the varnish will invite moisture to accumulate between the layers and give a milky look. I'd definately try your plan on a test strip of fir before applying it to the new bowsprit.
Throw a picture up of the bowsprit when you have time. I'd love to see it.
Question: The sampson posts. what are they made of, or what would be a really great wood for this?
Lyle Harris, M31 Greywolf in Seattle...

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[> [> Teak -- Randall, - Friday - 09/25/09 - 1:51am

Thanks Lyle,

The samson posts on Murre are teak, and I'm fairly certain this was factory.

As to a good wood for this purpose, many will work. James on Pyxis just replaced his with Ipe, another dense, heavy wood. I think the photos of Steve's Sean O' Sea suggest he used Doug Fir. Steve went with one, larger post versus our two smaller ones.

Hope that helps.


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[> [> the photo you were looking for -- Randall, - Saturday - 09/26/09 - 3:53pm

Sprit hung in the garage. 10 coats--one before work and one after since Monday. Took about 35 minutes per coat and 80% of a quart of Bristol. But man, no sanding!

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[> re: Protecting the top of the bow sprit -- Pete, - Wednesday - 09/23/09 - 2:32am

What about a bronze plate?

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[> Glass over varnish -- Mark, Aeolus, M31, - Thursday - 09/24/09 - 3:09pm

Hey Randall,
I put a layer of 4oz cloth on my main mast were it sits in the boot for added protection. I first applied 10 coats of "Flagship" varnish, then added the cloth w/WEST epoxy. Bonded well with no problems, however the sticks are still off the boat so I don't know about long term. The WEST would of coarse need some sorta UV protection. I'm still contemplating applying a urethane enamel to the whole mast for better UV protection.

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[> Bow Sprit Protection. -- Bruce, - Thursday - 09/24/09 - 7:10pm

Randall, I installed sheet copper over the top and where the anchor roller is, bedded with dolphanite and secured with bronze boat nails. This will last a long long time. It is not an impossible task to remove the 5 or 6 bolts on the pulpit and apply several more coats of varnish on the sprit every couple of years or so. The copper protects against chips from the anchor. I even have copper left over if you want it.

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[> Thanks Gents -- Randall, - Friday - 09/25/09 - 1:39am

Well, I've got 7 coats of Bristol on the sprit since Monday. It's looking so good I'm thinking of donating it to the San Francisco Maritime Museum for their new exhibit, "Perfection in Varnish through the Ages". Least that would guarantee my artwork is never injured.

No idea how I'm going to have the moral fortitude to knock holes in for the samson post and pulpit. Probably should have done that first. Oh well.

Thanks for the suggestions, gents. Seems both glass or bronze will work.

Bruce, will let you know as I get closer to installation. Thanks for the help.

Mark, I had a new piece scarffed into the foot of the main mast years ago and the guy who did the work, a professional in a local yard, rapped the foot in glass much as you have. Seems a straight up approach. Now you just have to get it to fit into the boot. :)

Thanks again.


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[> [> Bowsprit blues. -- Lyle Harris, - Wednesday - 09/30/09 - 3:58pm

Greywolf has been moored on a floating dock for the past month. Last weekend we had a high wind our of the north, which broke loose a decrepit old ChrisCraft upwind, which drifted down to be caught under Greywolf's pulpit. Greywolf was offended by this unwanted affection and proceed to hobby-horse up and down, beating the cabin, trim and punching out a window on the other boat. The added strain ripped two of the four cleats out of the dock, spinning Greywolf so she could toss away her admirer.
Greywolf came away with a dozen deep hammer marks on the underside of her bowsprit. I can't see any damage to the bobstay, but the strain can't have been good.

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[> [> [> wow! -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Wednesday - 09/30/09 - 4:41pm

Sorry, I laughed. Thankfully your boat wasn't damaged any more than it was.

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