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Date Posted: - Friday - 10/23/09 - 1:55pm
Author: Lyle Harris
Subject: tough time to sell a boat
In reply to: Craig Tibbetts, Hibou M31-25 's message, "Hibou is still for sale" on - Monday - 10/19/09 - 11:36pm

Hi Craig,
Marauder looks like a great adventure. Bigger, by all accounts.
If you can hold onto Hibou for now, the boat market seems like it's in the toilet. I was at a boat yard in Ballard on Tuesday, there were 5 boats out of the water being worked on. The place could easily hold 50 boats.
Good time to buy, if you're on the other side of the agreement, but jeez.

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[> [> Still for sale -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Friday - 10/23/09 - 3:16pm

Yes the boating market is a slump but boats are moving and people are looking. If you're in Ballard today and Monday you'll see one of my friends having a survey done on Marauder's sister-ship and a survey done on the boat he's selling. We're not desperate to sell and have a back up plan if Hibou doesn't sell.
Marauder has been an adventure, both on the water and on the restoration project. I'm amazed at the small technological gap between 1969 and 1986 is compared to the difference between 1986 and today.
Thanks for the note,

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