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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 10/27/09 - 1:20pm
Author: Jared Kibele
Subject: One more solution
In reply to: Bill Kranidis 's message, "New MOA "Projects" Addition on "Main Mast Support"" on - Sunday - 10/25/09 - 7:31pm

Thanks for posting that. It's cool to see how others addressed the same problem. It's also interesting to note that Architeuthis (M31 #9) was built differently than the later boats. Architeuthis only has one wooden support beam under the main mast while the later boats have two. You guys also have an extra wooden piece forward of the mast step that I don't have.

The solutions that you guys came up with are certainly simpler and, quite possibly stronger. I'm 6'3" and about 200 lbs. I have a hard enough time getting in and out of the v-berth as it is so I really wanted to avoid reducing head clearance under the mast step or width clearance in the passage way. I had also just bought a mig welder and wanted to weld some stuff. Here's what I came up with: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kibele/sets/72157617972117480/

So far it seems to be working. Since I took out my temporary compression post and tightened up the rigging, a tiny bit of sag has crept back in but I was expecting that. At this point, however, the closet door still latches properly and the forward door of the head opens and closes with just a tiny bit of friction at the top. Before I did this stuff, that door wouldn't open no matter how hard I tried.

If you would like to include my mast support on the project page, please let me know and I will re-format it.

Thanks again,

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[> Nice job, Jared! -- Randall, - Tuesday - 10/27/09 - 3:49pm

Jared, that is a really pretty piece of work. Thanks for sharing.

It is interesting to see the subtle and sometimes not so subtle variations between Mariners. From your photos it looks like Bruce and I have two athwartships supports **plus** the block you mention running forward of the main supports. On some Mariners I've seen, the block is twice as thick as it is on Murre. And that still isn't enough! :)

And I'm finding the mast step placement more and more curious. On none of the 31s I've seen is the mast directly over its corresponding supports; yet would it change the center of effort all that much to have the main step moved aft six inches so that it was over its support?

I guess such intellectual musings are half the fun of Mariners.


Yes, I for one, would appreciate the addition of your solution to the project section. Bill could paste yours into what Bruce and I put together if that's easiest--sure is OK w/me. Happy to call the article "THREE solutions..." :)

I typically write up my articles in Microsoft Word; paste into that doc the photos I want to use laid out as I'd like them, and then I send that Word doc **plus** a seperate copy of each photo in .jpeg to Bill. One thing that helps him is to make sure the name of the .jpeg is listed above the text in the word doc. And, to his point, it's also a nice reference for any further correspondence on this forum. I also reduce the photo file size to 100 - 300 kb (in photo manager, it's the "suitable for webpages" setting, or similar) as opposed to the 2 mb default camera setting.

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