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Date Posted: - Sunday - 11/22/09 - 8:43pm
Author: Paul - 1971 M31 - #106
Subject: Rods Replacement
In reply to: Kathy M32#3 Shadow 's message, "new rods for rudder" on - Sunday - 11/22/09 - 12:49am

Interesting - did you decide on this as a precaution or were there tell-tales that made you focus on this area?

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[> [> old rods -- Kathy M32#3 Shadow, - Monday - 11/23/09 - 4:14am

Paul that's a beautiful boat you bought, and you're so lucky that it's in good condition. The rudder is an important place to inspect. Shadow's been out of the water since 2006. The dowel's on the trailing edge of the rudder started backing out, and the rivets on the leading edge also were coming out. So, what's with that? Out comes one of the rods to see what's going on. It came out in pieces. Off comes the rudder. With the boats being the age they are, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a look see. Here's the old rods.
Yours truly, Kathy

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[> [> [> Rodded Rudder -- Paul - 1971 M31 - #106, - Monday - 11/23/09 - 11:33am

Thanks - Yes, Guillemot's PO took good care of her and (knocking on wood) so far it looks like she is in good shape.... :-)

I don't know what has been done to the rods in her rudder and it will be hard to determine because I basically won't have "real access" to inspect until the end of next season when she gets hauled here - I will see her next upon Spring Launch...

Until then, her and I are having a longer distance relationship... :-(

Thanks for sharing your findings and how you're fixing them - It's on my lest of items to check when I see a chance to do so.

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