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Date Posted: - Monday - 01/ 4/10 - 10:13pm
Author: Paul - 1971 M31 - #106
Subject: Alternator setups (Link)
In reply to: Randall, Murre, M31 's message, "alternator regulators" on - Monday - 12/14/09 - 1:45am

As requested, I won't go into what I believe your setup is as it too would still be a guess and perhaps only add to what confusion may already exist.

This link may offer some insight though..


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[> [> delco -- Randall, - Tuesday - 01/ 5/10 - 5:01pm

Yes. Am fairly certain it's the one pictured top middle--delco self exciting. Mine has the same shell and only two wires.

Still unclear how to ascertain its amp rating or how the regulator is to interact.

Still reading... :)

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[> [> [> Some more reading for you... -- Paul - 1971 M31 - #106, - Wednesday - 01/ 6/10 - 1:56pm

After reading the article at the link below, you will understand that the alternator's output is not as much determined by how it's built, but rather by the regulator (internal or external).

The unrestricted amperage is (would be) direct proportional to the voltage drop between the alternator and the charged item. The regulator, however, restricts this flow by artificially raising the voltage the alternator "sees".

Per the article, one can trick the alternator into putting out a higher amperage by inducing a voltage drop. Note that by doing so, you could exceed the maximum design (sustained) amperage of the alternator and send it to Davy Jone's locker...

If you know for sure which alternator you have - make and model, you should be able to ascertain its maximum rated amps....


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