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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 01/ 5/10 - 4:01pm
Author: Randall
Subject: How do I charge the start battery?
In reply to: Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea 's message, "Electrical" on - Monday - 01/ 4/10 - 11:25am

Check out the drawing on the previous post. Between the two switches I've installed an automatic charging relay that bypasses the switches and connects the batteries of both banks when **either** senses charge voltage coming from the other of 13 volts or more for 2 minutes. When this voltage drops belwo 12.75, the connection between the banks is severed.

Slick. And definitely works on Murre.

The reason I'm connecting to house is they are likely drained more than the start battery more often, and since the regulator senses only the bank it's connected to and defines charge delivered by that, I want it to sense the bank that needs the most help.

One error of mine that Calder has been kind enough to point out: I should have bought a deep cycle battery for start. The relay/regulator technology can't regulate charge to differing battery needs. The type of charge the heavy walled house needs is not the same as that needed by the thin walled start, so I will likely be overcharging the current start battery because house needs a heavier charge over a longer period.

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