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You are boatstruck -- Randall, - Thursday - 01/21/10 - 7:33pm
Ha, you are "boatstruck" for sure. Can't remember the author, but there was a book out maybe as much as 10 years ago called WOODEN BOATS that described, along w/much else, the irrational yet very strong link between man (woman too) and boat.
The men in white coats would be overwhelmed if they carted off everyone of us...!
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The full quote... -- Randall, - Thursday - 01/21/10 - 11:53pm
Now that I'm home, thought I'd share the first paragraph of WOODEN BOATS by Michael Ruhlman, a super book.
...I think this may apply to most of us on this board...
"The man was boatstruck. Some people become boat smart, others are simply struck. Something happens to certain men when they see a boat, and they become crazy. A man, or the occasional woman (women seem to be less frequenlty disturbed), who is boatstruck shows no easily discernible outward signs of the illness. On the contrary, the boatstruck look more than reasonable. They are not easily carried away. They are smart, cool, self-possessed, and they are pretty good on the water. They brim with a free and adventurous spirit. You tend to like these people--they can be inexplicably magnetic. But a man who is boatstruck often has an unrealistic understanding of his cash situation. And cash is the fulcrum on which a boatstruck life teeters between bliss and ruin. Boats require plenty of cash."
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Being boatstruck -- James, - Friday - 01/22/10 - 1:34pm
That sounds like me...
I would only neglect the cash bit. It's not that I have lot's of cash -by any means- but life has shown me, that when one's intentions are noble (as opposed to ego), the universe will always provide.
As much as anything, I'm looking for a 'home' for the next few years, along with as much 'adventure' as can be possibly squeezed in. I can see no reason not to cross the Atlantic, for example.
I've lived in and experienced, many countries. I am multilingual, technically adept and mentally fit. Now that I've passed 40, I can hear the sea calling me again (along with a certain lady Mariner) and it would be my sincere pleasure to restore one of Clair Oberly's creations to her former glory.
We shall see, but thank you so much for your input. It's a big step to make, let's hope all goes well.
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