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Date Posted: - Monday - 07/28/08 - 1:03am
Author: Randall
Subject: more on propane tanks
In reply to: Steve M-32 #59 's message, "Propane locker" on - Tuesday - 07/22/08 - 11:48am


You MUST post photos. Besides being funny, I'd like to see the bow propane locker you refer to. The location of my fore-hatch seems to preclude it.


I wonder about drainage from a propane locker like mine. Like you suggest, I've thought of sealing up the box and running drain hoses to each side of the hull, but I wonder if a line to BOTH sides would be necessary. One could argue that if one drainage line is plugged because it's under water, then the other is needed. And a response would be that if one is under water, that means it's blowing like stink and the boat's healed over and any leaked propane that builds up in the box is going to blow out the box lid (assuming the lid is vented or even just loosely fitted—like mine), and the gas that doesn’t blow off will drain out the hose when the boat comes back to an even keel. I’ve always thought of two drainage hoses as you describe, so this is a recent idea. I bring it up because I can imagine a path for the port drain line, but the starboard is going to cross my engine-access path and so is trickier if not downright out of the question.



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[> [> [> [> Drain lines -- Steve M-32 #59, - Monday - 07/28/08 - 12:09pm

The scenario I'm thinking about is you are sailing heeled over let's say on a port tack. The port side drain line will be up in the air and any leaking gas will have no where to go except out the lid which we want to avoid since it defeats the purpose of a drain line. We want to have a starboard drain line as high as possible so it is below the locker but above the heeled waterline. I'm thinking that the drains should drop through the deck (~ 1") then maybe another inch or two of drop heading out to the hull sides. We don't need much as we're not trying to drain large amounts of gas at once (I hope :-) I would think that a drain routed from the locker, through the deck, along the forward side of the well bulkhead (inside the boat) and along to the hull wouldn't interfere with access very much. As I'm writing this I remembered that you have a quarter berth while I don't. That probably makes a big difference in how we view the drain line route. Also, don't forget that while I have a fair amount of sailing experience and know systems pretty well, my knowledge on these boats in mostly theoretical as the only thing I'm sailing at the moment is concrete. Anybody with more experience with this please jump in.

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