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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 10/21/08 - 11:15am
Author: Mike Anthony
Subject: Tivoli is Ready

After 4 long years we are ready to take Tivoli south. Monday, 10-27-08 we are setting sail for points south. We will take the ICW to FL then hopefully hang a left into the Bahamas... We have taken basically just a very sound hull and restored her..new engine, electical, plumbing, nav systems, propane, paint, deck work, mast repair and on and on and on... And while it is not even close to Lawrence's Ta' Ato Ori, which by the way Lawrence is unbelievable, you must be very proud of her, Tivoli still turns heads, mine included. We have lived on her since June after we sold our house and I quit my job, she is comfortable and seaworthy. Anyway I will try and update with new pictures and keep the board updated on Tivoli's trek south.
Bill, sorry we never hooked up for a sail on Tivoli, but thanks for all your support, and Lawrence thanks to you as well for all the pics and help you provided us...

S/V Tivoli
Mike & Paula Anthony

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[> Fair Winds -- John & Jan, - Tuesday - 10/21/08 - 7:00pm

Best of luck on your voyage. Keep us posted along the way.

John & Jan
Santa Teresa
San Diego

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[> Livin' the Dream -- Lawrence Killingsworth Ta' Ata Ori, - Tuesday - 10/21/08 - 7:16pm

Well, Mike a hearty bon voyage to you and Paula and Tivoli. You have my deepest admiration for "livin' the dream." What a journey you have taken so far -- and it's really just beginning. We will watch with joy as you cruise down the Waterway and out to the Bahamas. You made the committment and got her done, so now you can enjoy the fruits of your labors.

I am honored that I could play a small part in your saga. Maybe someday we'll follow you out to sea on Ta' Ata Ori.

Here's wishing you fair winds and following seas. And even if it's blowing right on the bow, remember to cherish every moment of your adventure.

s/v Ta' Ata Ori

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[> Oh, you're not off the hook yet, pal :-) -- Bill Kranidis, - Thursday - 10/23/08 - 5:14pm

.........you might see me pop-up on you somewhere down the line and get that sail out of "Tivoli" you promised me :-)

BTW, Lawrence owes me one too :-)

Fair winds, Mike and Paula and stay in touch.

I'm waiting for cruising pics.


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[> All are welcome aboard -- Lawrence Killingsworth - M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Friday - 10/24/08 - 11:30am

Indeed I do, Bill. All you gotta do is show up.

All are welcome aboard Ta' Ata Ori. That's what we do.

And maybe we'll figure a way to rendevous with Mike and Paula and Tivoli down there in the Caribbean one of these sunny days.

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[> Tivoli is ready -- Al LaChance, - Sunday - 10/26/08 - 5:59pm

Mike and Paula,
Congratulations, Tivoli looks great! If you find yourselves anchoring or staying in Wrightsville Beach, NC, mm283.5 let me know, perhaps we could share a rum or a beer before you head further south. Would love to meet you both.
Hexli and I reside there.
Fair winds and I hope we have a moment to meet!!


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[> Ti voli -- Mike AnthonyLL, - Sunday - 10/26/08 - 8:15pm

Thanks for the reply, we would love to take you up on your invitation and look forward to seeing you.

Lawerence & Bill, We are looking for to seeing you two in the ole "El Caribe!!!

s/v Tivoli

Mike & Paula

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