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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 08/19/08 - 5:51pm
Author: Randall, Murre
Subject: Works great!--looks cool.
In reply to: Craig M31-25 Hibou 's message, "Rum Barrel Photos" on - Monday - 08/18/08 - 9:33pm

Have to admit, for all my noodling over ideal propane tank placement, I never thought of that space before the main. Thanks for sharing the photos. Certainly it answers "drainage" issues.

What's the track of the gas line once it enters the cabin?

Are there any other connections between the tank and stove?

How big is the tank--ten pounds?

When you turn gas on at the tank, do you leave the line charged for extended periods?

If I remember right, Pardey has a similar set up on Taliesen but just aft the mast and talks about having a manual shut-off just inside and under his coach roof.

Thanks again for sharing. Love the barrel--fits the boat nicely--but might it make life difficult when one enters cruising grounds where actual pirates abound? :)


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[> [> [> LPG tank / barrel -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Wednesday - 08/20/08 - 2:02pm

The tank mount was already there when we bought the boat so I didn't think of it either.
This is just a spare tank so it isn't plumbed.
Yes, it is a 10 lb. tank. And yes, we leave the lines charged.
By next summer we will have a couple cannons mounted to repel any would be pirates. ;-)
BTW, Murre looks great! All your hard work really paid off.

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