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Date Posted: - Thursday - 10/30/08 - 5:51pm
Author: Mike Anthony
Subject: making a change to Tivoli

I know I am going to catch grief over this, but, I am going to put heavy chain from the bow sprit to the hull and eliminate the dolphin striker. The last gale again damaged it... I know many of you have weathered more severe severe weather with no issues (sea trek you are one), but I cant keep going thru this, we are starting a two year voyage and dont want to keep worrying about it...I'm ready, start telling me why it wont work.. Other than that Tivoli was a champ and weathered the 50 MPH winds with no issues. I will keep a 90 degree angle from the forstay to the bob stay.. I think that is the main issue, as long as the stay is strong enough..

Thanks to all who responded prior to the strom with suggestions and reasurance...it was greatly appreciated.

s/v Tivoli
Mike & Paula Anthony

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[> Not changing the design -- mike anthony, - Wednesday - 11/ 5/08 - 12:21pm

After much thought and finding a fantastic group here at Oyster Bay Marine Center, we are refabing the whole thing, keeping the dolphin striker as well. The striker itself and the attachment will be fabricate in a more robust fashion. It had been rebuilt before and I think it just was not strong enough. I feel very confident this new work will hold up just fine...Sorry for the whinning. Hopefully this will be completed today or tomorrow and we can head thru the East River and on to points South!

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