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Date Posted: - Thursday - 11/13/08 - 2:53pm
Author: Lyle Harris
Subject: unlisted Mariner 31 in Washington State
In reply to: Wes 's message, "Tranquila is listed - ooopppss" on - Friday - 11/ 7/08 - 5:18pm

I've just purchased a 1970 Mariner 31, Hull #42. She's apparently been in Puget Sound for years, and I bought her in Olympia. Her new home will be Vashon Island. She needs all the work listed in the "projects" portion of this website; deck, cabin, cockpit, masts. Could use some new sails, and I'd appreciate a heads up on where to source those.
She has no name, and I don't know the history. I sent a photo and our information to the "new members" part of the website.
Lyle Harris

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[> [> [> [> Parts -- steveb, - Thursday - 11/13/08 - 5:25pm

I sent you an email that may help in your search. If you don't get it, please let me know.


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[> [> [> [> Boat Name -- Bill Kranidis, - Tuesday - 12/ 2/08 - 9:24am


I had sent you an email asking for your boat's name.
What did you name her ???


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[> [> [> [> [> Unlisted M31 in Washington State -- Lyle Harris, - Wednesday - 12/ 3/08 - 12:36pm

Hi Bill,
We are going to call her 'Starlight.' My 5 year old son is learning about fire and volcanoes in school, and wanted a name with flames. My wife and I thought better, and Starlight was a compromise we can all get behind. We'd planned to sail her for a summer and then see what name would fit. However, this name will probably stick, now that we've put it out there. We have no idea what the previous name was, or we'd have kept it for good luck.

The masts are coming off for refinishing next saturday, and she'll sit in a covered marina slip for the winter while I work on all those leaks. I put my finger through the floor of the cockpit yesterday... Seems like a good place to start.


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