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Date Posted: - Friday - 11/28/08 - 5:41pm
Author: Mike Anthony
Subject: Chesapeake Bay

Does not appear to be a lot of interest...However, our Mariner 40 is performing well in a lot of adverse conditions. We are now, finally, in the Cheasapeake Bay, heading South.. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Day.

s/v Tivoli
Mike & Paula

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[> Plenty of interest, Mike... -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Tuesday - 12/ 2/08 - 12:37am

...but we're digesting our grand turkey dinners and chewing on leftovers of jealousy at your escape.

Keep posting, man. Great to see your Mariner keeping you safe.

Got any photos?

How much further south before you feel the weather warming up? Can't imagine the Chspk Bay is anything like balmy.


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[> Keep Moving -- Bill Kranidis, - Tuesday - 12/ 2/08 - 9:28am

Mike, don't even look back.

Sent some photos, man.

I'm with you :-)


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[> I'm Interested -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Wednesday - 12/ 3/08 - 1:27am

Keep posting, I enjoy reading about your adventures.


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[> Livin' the Dream -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Friday - 12/ 5/08 - 11:54am

Ahoy, Mike and Paula and Tivoli --
Glad to see you've made it down to the Cheasapeake Bay. I guess you're getting settled in to "cruising mode" and it sounds like you are enjoying the experience. That's good, after all the work you put into Tivoli. More fun to come as you head farther south to the tropics.
I would have commented sooner, but I was sorta out of it for a while, after some unexpected coronary artery re-plumbing. Better than new now -- pretty much immortal, I figure.
So, I'm curious, how are you posting your updates? Do you go ashore to an internet cafe or are you hooked up on board via satellite, or radio or what? Just wondering what system you picked for your internet communications. It seems to be working like a charm.
OK, outta here. Some of us still have to work, you know...
-- Lawrence

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[> [> Blackberry or iphone for internet? -- Lyle Harris, - Sunday - 12/ 7/08 - 10:49pm

Lawrence, I'm glad to hear you in better health. Amy and I were in Idaho at Lake P for thanksgiving. I thought of your boat out there, but it was mighty cold. Next summer.
On the email updates, I'm wondering if simple tech would work, like a Blackberry, Iphone, or some such thing. Would this work? You couldn't rely on something like this far off shore, but what about coastal cruising?
lyle harris

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[> Communications -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Monday - 12/ 8/08 - 11:20am

Good to hear from you, Lyle. Yep, it was a bit chilly here at Thanksgiving. Plus, I've got the full winter cover on Ta' Ata Ori, so she can't exactly leave the slip at a moment's notice.
I'll bet Blackberry, etc. would work fine for coastal cruising. And there are all sorts of options for offshore, some that go directly to satellite, others that use HF (SSB) radio. I was just wondering what Mike had chosen, since he just fitted out Tivoli for extended cruising. Maybe he's got the latest and the greatest and can give us a recommendation on how well it works.

Do get in touch next summer when you're in the area. We'd love to take you out.

Fair winds,

-- Lawrence

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