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Date Posted: - Sunday - 01/ 4/09 - 3:32pm
Author: Terry Bradlow
Subject: Perkins 4107 and 4108 whats the difference

Hi I'm presently in a position to buy a Mariner 40 in rough shape. Her engine is seized up and I believe it to be a Perkins 4108,I found a 4107 for sale are these two engines compatible with the same transmission? whats the difference between them? I'm going to need a lot of advice once I buy her, scared and excited both at the same time... Decks and cockpit have to be rebuilt as well as cabin sides. Lots of work that I plan to do myself. Thanks for any help

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[> Difference between 4-107 and 4-108 -- Capt'n Mike SV Gypsy Mariner, TM36, - Monday - 01/ 5/09 - 12:46pm

The main difference between the 4-107 and 4-108 is that the 4-107 has wet (pull-out) cylinder liners and the 4-108 has dry liners and larger diameter head bolts. Performance is about the same. I don’t believe Perkins stocks 4-107 parts anymore, therefore it is harder to find 4-107 parts if the part is not the same as used on the 4-108.

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[> [> P.S. - transmission -- Capt'n Mike "Gypsy Mariner", - Monday - 01/ 5/09 - 1:26pm

You should be able to use the transmission you have on the seized 4-108. Look at the Mariners site and download the engine manual for the 4-107/4-108 (its the same manual for both engines with the differences noted within the manual as needed). Since it is a project boat, you may want to determine why the 4-108 seized and the cost to for parts to repair it. It is fun to work on these engines and almost anyone can. The 4-108 is very forgiving to beginner and novice "d.i.y."ers. It might save you money to fix the current engine and you will also gain valuable experience.

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