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Date Posted: - Monday - 01/12/09 - 12:36am
Author: James Scheh
Subject: Ipe toe rail
In reply to: Lyle Harris 's message, "Ipe for toerail?" on - Sunday - 01/11/09 - 1:22pm


I used ipe for my new samson posts on my M-31(new name on the way). I am a general contractor in S.F. And have been working with ipe on decks for years. I don't think you would have any trouble getting the bend you need for the toe rail. As far as its durability. Ipe would be like a rot proof white oak if there was such a thing. It is also very hard to glue or epoxy because of density and all the oils in it. I would assume that it would not take varnish well either. When it weathers it looks much like teak silver grey but doesn't show it's grain like unfinished teak will. You can also buy it in lengths up to 20'.


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[> [> Ipe -- Lyle Harris, - Monday - 01/12/09 - 12:57pm

Hi James, thanks for the endorsement of Ipe for boat work. I've been wondering how it would perform. I think that's what I'm going to use on the toe rail, and put the joints as far forward as possible, where the hull line is straighter, and sees less traffic.
I've only seen this material in 3/4 inche thickness for deck planking. Ideally, I'd like to find 1.5" thick pieces, or 2x4s that I can shape. I'll have to check in with my local suppliers.
I checked the samson posts on my boat. they're still very solid, the but the copper nails on those little post caps have mostly come out.

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