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Alternative woods -- Steve M-32 #59, - Thursday - 01/15/09 - 6:24pm
From a practical point try to keep in mind what teak is good for on a boat. Its' primary use is as a decking material because it has non-skid properties. It is beautiful when varnished but that is more an aesthetic consideration rather than a practical one. So, if you're willing to have the look of another wood a mahogany would be excellent, either Honduras, African, or one of the better Phillipine varieties like Meranti. If it's not going to take much abuse from walking, Red Cedar would be a good choice, Yellow would be even better and both are available locally. If you're willing to keep it varnished, Doug Fir would work quite well also. As you can see there are a lot of choices and it just depends on where you want to come down on the cost, durability, maintenance scale.
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