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Date Posted: - Thursday - 02/ 5/09 - 3:56pm
Author: Lyle Harris
Subject: Thru Hull Replacement Question, M31
In reply to: Gitano 's message, "Sory Steve and Lyle" on - Thursday - 02/ 5/09 - 3:37pm

Thanks for the information. I'm probably better off waiting until the boat is up and out before buying anything. I don't believe my boat has had a refit of any kind in a decade, and would be surprised if any more than three thru-hulls were below the water line.

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[> [> [> [> [> Through-hulls -- Steve M-32 #59, - Thursday - 02/ 5/09 - 7:08pm

If you have a 1.5" in the head you should also have a .75" for the water intake on the toilet. That one should be forward of the larger outlet. Look under the sink and there should be one there for the drain. Pull off the cabinet containing the sink and your raw water intake should be right there in front next to the icebox. There are two large (1.5"?) for the cockpit drains as they drain under the waterline. They are visible left and right of the transmission about 18" away. If you don't have at least those then someone has blanked some off and I would look very carefully for those areas to check on the quality of the patch job.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Cockpit Drain(s) -- Gitano, - Friday - 02/ 6/09 - 12:43pm

I hope that you have at least one cockpit drain to drain rainwater or splashing waves taken on when under sail. Gitana Vela (M31#95) has two cockpit drains located just as described above. The galley sink drain ties into the starboard cockpit drain thru-hull line. The port side thru-hull drains only the cockpit floor drain.

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