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Date Posted: - Monday - 03/23/09 - 9:38pm
Author: Ardian
Subject: What would be the right size for a storm sail on M31 ?

Hi there . I'm preparing my boat for an Atlantic crossing so , I'm ordering a jib and and storm jib . Would this storm jib be size be right for my boat ? Because I think is bigger than what's supposed to be . Any suggestions ?

> Performance Storm Jib Retail USD$742.00
> 9.3oz Challenge High Modulus Sailcloth (less your discount)
> Luff Hardware
> Draft Stripe, Telltails, Triple Stitched
> Sailbag
> I=34.79' J=12.38'
> Sail Area - 72 ft2 - cross cut
> Storm Jib Sleeve Retail US$363.00
> Length=21' (less your discount)
> 8" diameter
> Grommets for Hanks
> 9.08oz Challenge dacron orange
> Performance Jib Retail USD$1188.00
> 8.3oz Challenge High Modulus Sailcloth (less your discount)
> Luff Tape
> Draft Stripe, Telltails, Triple Stitched
> Sailbag
> I=34.79' J=12.38'
> Sail Area - 180 ft2 - cross cut

Thank you . Ardian

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[> Checkout Sailrite -- Randall, - Monday - 03/23/09 - 10:03pm

Check out some dimensions here for comparison.


Don't know where sailrite got the data, but interesting to compare.

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[> storm jib -- Kathy Campbell SHADOW M32-#3, - Monday - 03/23/09 - 10:42pm

Sailrite has a 10% discount til the end of the month. I've ordered a storm trisail with part of the panels 8.4oz. and some of the panels 9.4oz.Storm Orange. You could order your storm jib this same way.You can sew your own sails or have them sew them. You save 1/2 the cost doing it yourself. A storm jib isn't to big, so it wouldn't be to hard to make. Go for it Adrian and save the money for your cruise.

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[> [> Thank you . -- Ardian, - Tuesday - 03/24/09 - 7:12pm

I actually have a really good discount ( 45% )from them so the jib and storm jib including the storm jib sleeve will cost me $ 700 . But for the storm jib they give me a 72sq/f option and that is what i was looking to correct because that is normally for racing teams . A storm jib must be less than that if single handed or just normal family cruising people . So I'm looking at something like 40-45 sq/f for the storm jib . Am I right ?
Thank you , Ardian .

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[> storm jib sizing -- Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea, - Tuesday - 03/24/09 - 9:15pm

I will preface this by saying I have no offshore experience to back this up but here's what I'm seeing regarding storm jib sizing. Most charts seem to recommend 3.5% of I squared as the proper size for a shorthanded crew. As you correctly point out this gives you a size in the 40-45 sq ft range. However, I think this formula only works for "typical" boats i.e. medium displacement sloops. For instance the formula gives a Catalina 30 a storm jib of 60 sq ft and I don't think that our boats need a sail 25% smaller than a Catalina 30. Keep in mind that not only do we have THREE working sails as opposed to a sloops two our aspect ratio is also quite a bit shorter. the 72 sq ft storm jib may be quite adequate for your boat when used with a reefed mizzen. Definitely discuss it with your sailmaker and ihope someone with more experience will chime in here.

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[> storm jib -- Kathy Campbell SHADOW M32-#3, - Wednesday - 03/25/09 - 2:59am

I'll measure my old storm jib tomorrow and see if I can figure the squire footage. I'm not the best mathematician but if all else fails I'll look up my rocket scientist for the answer. By the way, 72 sq ft is not to big but what about a reef point in the sail?

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[> [> storm jib on Shadow -- Kathy Campbell SHADOW M32-#3, - Wednesday - 03/25/09 - 2:19pm

Shadow's storm jib is 53.5 sq. ft. luff- 19.5, leech- 13.5, foot- 8'10. Does anyone have the original mariner 31/32 sail plan?

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[> [> Original Storm Jib -- Randall, - Wednesday - 03/25/09 - 5:36pm

I have a storm jib original to Murre (made in Japan, even). Looks brand new (Murre has had a gentle life before moving onto the blustery bay). I'll try to measure it this weekend. It's probably the same size as Kathy's, but should serve as a good point of reference for your purchase.

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[> [> [> thank you -- Ardian, - Friday - 03/27/09 - 7:40pm

Thank you all . It will be a great help for me .

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