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Date Posted: - Monday - 02/ 9/09 - 1:42am
Author: Randall, Murre, M31
Subject: Murre's bum with transducer
In reply to: Dan M32 #36 Independence 's message, "Thru hulls" on - Friday - 02/ 6/09 - 11:10pm

Murre's depth sounding and knot meter units are a little different. A couple photos from below are attached. They are both on the port side, both accessable from the port settee. Both are pretty flush. I've not done anything with them, so don't know anything beyond that.

But that does lead to a question of my own. I want to change out the knot and depth meter read-outs in the cockpit. Will I need to change the underwater units as well? Or can I simply plug in new read-outs into existing stuff?

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[> [> [> transducers and thru-hulls -- Lyle Harris, - Monday - 02/ 9/09 - 4:42pm

HI Randall,
Don't know if it's helpful, but there are transducers that you just epoxy to the inside of the hull below the waterline, and don't make any penetrations. That may be one way to go.
I ended up using something like this on my current in-the-water sailboat because the depth finder was shot and I couldn't find anything compatible with the existing transducer.

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[> [> [> [> depth meter transducer -- Ardian, - Monday - 03/23/09 - 10:16pm

I installed the transducer inside the hull and it does work great since 2-3 years .I bought a hummingbird matrix 12 . To start i did build the dam that will hold the resin . so , i did cut in a form of triangle a piece of cartoon and used epoxy resin in to almost vertical sides to glue it to the hull . Of course after i cleaned the hull from the paint and dirt . Once cured i mixed the resin with a very slow hardener so the air bubbles created from mixing it will be gone by the time it cure .Because the air bubbles will create problem if there. sink the transducer but be careful that it must not move till it cures and also i place it facing fore a few degress . And the next day was done. Just be careful because not all the transducers work from inside the hull. Hope that this will help . Good luck. Ardian.

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