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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 02/10/09 - 1:51am
Author: Randall
Subject: Ha! Tenths of feet
In reply to: Dan M32 #36 Independence 's message, "Depth sounders" on - Tuesday - 02/10/09 - 1:20am

Thanks Dan. It's funny to be learning about many things--including eye site--from Murre. Only a couple years ago and while working in tight quarters, I noticed that I couldn't quite see the fastener nor the hole I was attempting to guide it into. I thought at first I'd inhaled too many epoxy fumes. But then Joanna reminded me I'm over 40. One can always depend on Joanna for the important stuff--like putting me in my place.

Wacky readings? I get those from my through hull unit...due to really muddy water...transponder out of the water, etc. But what do you mean by whacky?

Tenths of feet. That's funny. Now, let's see, I draw 3.8 feet and the depth is 276.3, so how many tenths of minutes till I run aground?

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[> [> [> [> [> thru hulls -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Tuesday - 02/10/09 - 12:40pm

By wacky readings I meant that as I was sailing the soundings seemed ok and then they would fluctuate wildly. I knew It wasn't reading the bottom accurately. I never had that problem with any of the other sounders on any of my past boats. I know that in certain circumstances sounders will jump around. When I was sailing from Panama to Equador last June on a Passport 40 the sounder would occasionaly show 50 or 80 feet but we were 300 miles off shore. The captain said it was temp. changes. I just not ready to trust the new sounder yet. I think a hole though the hull is probably the best for a transducer.

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