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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 02/24/09 - 11:44am
Author: Brian
Subject: Leaky Sherwood Salt Water Pump

I am having a slight drip on the salt water pump for the engine cooling on a Perkins 4-107. It is leaking at the bottom of the pump where a stainless screw holds the cam inside the pump in place. I am replacing the impeller and gasket at present and would love to stop the continual drip, that occurs when the motor is running. Any thoughts?
Brian Gran Mariner M36 Hull #9 1973

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[> Me too -- Craig M31-25 Hibou, - Tuesday - 02/24/09 - 3:03pm

I have the same issue, but haven't had a chance to work on it.

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[> [> Sherwood Pump Rebuilt -- Brian Sweeney, - Saturday - 03/ 7/09 - 12:13am

I just got my pump back from S & W Diesel in Willington, Ca. They rebuilt the pump, replacing the seals, berings and impeller. The cost was $200. including shipping, spare impeller and gaskets. I installed it on 3-5-09. I works wells with no leaks. Thanks for the tips and the links.


s/v Gran Mariner hull #9 1973 Mariner 36

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[> [> [> Contact Info -- Capt'n Mike "Gypsy Mariner", - Saturday - 03/ 7/09 - 9:45am

Sounds like a good deal. Could you post S&W Diesel's contact info. or website. Thanks.
Capt'n Mike

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[> [> [> [> Sherwood Pump Rebuid -- Brian Sweeney, - Sunday - 03/ 8/09 - 3:42am

Here is S & W's contact info. The person I dealt with was Bob. I could have cost more if I needed a shaft as well. S & W has treated me well over the years when I was dealing with a Perkins 4-154 in a Kelly Peterson 44.

S & W Diesel
336 Lakme
Willington, CA. 90744

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[> Probably the seals -- Capt'n Mike S/V Gypsy Mariner TM36K, - Tuesday - 02/24/09 - 11:18pm

It is probably time to replace the two seals inside the pump. Since you'll need to take it off to do it, you may want to have the pump rebuilt at the same time. In time, the salt water leaking inside can cause damage to the pump shaft and bearings.

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[> [> Before you attempt - take a look at this -- Capt'n Mike "Gypsy Mariner" TM36K, - Wednesday - 02/25/09 - 10:34am

Before you attempt to replace the seals - take a look at this link for some great info: http://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f54/rebuilding-sherwood-g65-for-perkins-4-108-a-20618.html .

Sherwood recommends the major repair kit on the G-65 pump every 4 years with light duty pleasure craft use. I've seen the major repair ket selling for $120 to $135. You can buy a new pump for $350 or so. I do not know what would be the cost to send the pump out and have it rebuilt but you might want to contact Transatlantic Diesel (or similar) for pricing. Reading the link makes me think that buying a new pump or sending out for repair is the better option. Perhaps only the seals need to be replaced, in which case it might be an easier job to tackle.

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