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Date Posted: - Thursday - 03/12/09 - 9:40am
Author: Don Adams
Subject: Hull # ?

GiGi and I have looked under every thing possible trying to locate a hull number on Sea Trek, however, have yet to find it. Anymore suggestions?

Purchased in Sept. 2008, we are planning to leave for the Bahamas during a weather window on or after March 22, 2009. Very exciting and spooky at the same time. This is our first! GiGi is more of the risk taker... lol... she is more than ready.

Provisioning, new head installed, water damage to the head walls completed... cat and dog loaded...

They say everything happens for a reason... we found this to be true. When we installed the new head (new $1000 head purchased price $100 [thanks to GiGi's barginning power] at the North Charleston West Marine Flea Market Day) I found the bottom of the walls surrounding the head were rotted out. So out come the tools... saws, sanders, fiberglass, bondo, AG paint, new hoses... the works. Three days later she's a beaut and working!

Checkout our blog at www.svseatrek.blogspot.com. GiGi will have new photos posted soon.

Let us know if you are or will be in the Bahamas during the next few months or north of Charleston, SC after June 2009. Would like to meet other Mariner Owners!

All the best

Don and GiGi

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