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Date Posted: - Sunday - 03/29/09 - 8:04pm
Author: Mike Anthony
Subject: Tivio has made it

It has been a long journey, at least for us. We left CT at the end of Oct. We landed in Jacksonville Yesterday... It was much more a challange than I orginally anticipated. The seas on the outside were easier to deal with than the shallow depths of the ICW. Especially in South Carolina and Georgia... But we made it and now will make plans to cross over Gulf Stream and into Gods Country... just kidding, into the Bahamas. Probably will not do that until the fall. Tivoli, our Mariner 40 has performed flawlessly... One of best additions I made on Tivoli was the 60lb Manson Supreme and the 300 feet of 3/8" chain. We anchored in many gales without a problem.. I love this boat.

Mike and Paula'
S/V Tivoli

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[> trail broke -- Kathy Campbell SHADOW M32-#3, - Sunday - 03/29/09 - 9:31pm

Hi Tivoli & crew,
I'm glad to hear of your experience both on the open ocean and ICW. So, would you not recommend the ICW -NORTH OR SOUTH? As far as your trip, maybe I should have told you what an old cowboy told my friend and I, when we took off on a cross country packhorse trip across the Mojave desert back in the late 60's. He said if we got through the first couple of weeks without a catastrophe, we'd be o.k. Know matter what kind of trip you take, you've got to get trail broke.
Yours truly, Kathy

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[> [> Tivoli ho! -- Lyle Harris, - Sunday - 03/29/09 - 11:26pm

Crew of tivoli,
so glad to hear you're down south and in good spirits. I hope you have a place to post pictures of your adventures. would love to see them.

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[> Congratulations -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Monday - 03/30/09 - 4:34pm

Well, hearty congratulations to you Mike and Paula and Tivoli! Good to hear you've made just fine to JAX and looking out toward what is beyond. Best wishes for more fun adventures to come.
It's been a bit of a tough month here: open heart bypass surgery for the Old Skipper, but I'm on the mend now and looking forward to sailing season in a couple of months.
Thanks for the update. We'll all sail along with you.
Warm regards,
-- Lawrence

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[> ICW -- Mike Anthony, - Monday - 03/30/09 - 7:43pm

I would defintely recomend the ICW, what an adventure, you just need to plan your days out and travel with the tides.

Lawrence, I am glad to hear you are feeling better, I can honestly say your help significantly helped our journey. Thanks again for all of your help and our prays will be with your recovery.

Mike & Paula
s/v Tivoli

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