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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 07/16/08 - 1:09pm
Author: chuck
Subject: Dolphin striker fitting

Does anyone have or know the source for the fitting for the dolphin striker that is on the bottom and holds the bob stay on?

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[> Dolphin striker fitting -- Peter Karczmar, - Wednesday - 07/16/08 - 10:27pm

I had one custom made out of bronze. Let me know if you want the name of the source.

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[> [> Thanks -- Chuck, - Thursday - 07/17/08 - 3:34pm

Peter, that would be very helpful.

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[> [> [> Try Port Townsend Foundry -- Capt'n Mike "Gypsy Mariner" TM36K, - Friday - 07/18/08 - 2:41am

I was going to have Port Townsend Foundry make me one but I found mine under some Katrina debris after we moved Gypsy Mariner back into the water. They e-mailed me the sketch of one they made for someone before and it was close to what the Mariners have. I did have them make me a bow sprit socket with sampson post. Their website is http://www.porttownsendfoundry.com .

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[> [> [> [> Thanks Mike and for Mark -- Chuck, - Friday - 07/18/08 - 5:18pm

I will look into that. Mark, do you have the info on who made yours?

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[> [> Peter -- Chuck, - Friday - 07/18/08 - 5:20pm

Could you tell me the name of your source?

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[> [> [> Dolphin striker fitting -- Peter, - Saturday - 07/19/08 - 11:26am


Talk to Seth Hagen at the address below. I told him you might be calling. Best of luck.

East Passage Boatwrights
257 Franklin St #8
Bristol, RI 02809 USA
Ph: 401.253.5535

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[> [> [> [> many Thanks -- Chuck, - Saturday - 07/19/08 - 1:31pm

Peter, Thanks again, this should get me enough info to get a new one made. Much appreciated.

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