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Date Posted: - Saturday - 07/19/08 - 1:30pm
Author: john McHugh
Subject: Insurance ???

Re: my Mariner 31 - Yankee Girl II. I am looking for information concerning insurance carriers that I might access. The ones I have contacted so far tell me that I need a survey before they will insure me.
Thank you in advance for the information.
John McHugh

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[> You will -- Chuck, - Saturday - 07/19/08 - 5:23pm

You are going to need a survey by a qualified and recognized surveyor before anyone will write you a policy and the coverage will be based on the results of that survey.

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[> [> Yes you can -- Ardian M31 Taygeta, - Saturday - 07/19/08 - 10:00pm

Progressive insurance will do it without survey. Will be about $110/month I think. A little expensive but you will pay about 300 $ to lift it and about 500 $ i think for survey so by the end of it including the insurence you will end up at about 1200 $ ( if you'll pass the survey ). Hope this will help. Fair winds .

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[> [> [> survey -- Doug Wilson, - Sunday - 07/20/08 - 9:27am

I had "Cactus Tree" surveyed, was $325, the quick in and out was $275, which the yard credited to a regular haul if done within 6 months,(which it was).
BoatUS insured the boat for $358 a year.

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[> be Careful -- Chuck, - Sunday - 07/20/08 - 10:49am

Insuring with auto and home owners policies most often use depreciated value for total loss which can mean if the boat is damaged they can total it even though it is repairable or if it is a total loss you will get next to nothing. Many marine policies will pay "agreed" value no matter what but this is determined by the survey. $1200.00 per year is a lot unless you are in a hurricane area. And the survey will not have to be done again for at least 5 or more years if you stay with the same company so that does not wash out at $1200.00 or more per year over a 5 year period, if they don't raise the rates.

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[> Insurance -- Tom Burke, - Monday - 07/21/08 - 1:17am

I recently obtained quotes and a policy on my M31. Both companies told me the same, if the agreed amount was 24k or less, they'd need no survey but if they did it for over 24k they would need a survey. I obtained one quote for the same firm that the seller from whom I bought the boat had his insurance, State Farm, and one from my own, Liberty Mutual. I have both car and home thru Liberty and ended up with Liberty Mutual. I did the agreed value at 24k.

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[> [> Insurance -- Doug Wilson, - Monday - 07/21/08 - 9:44am

The surveyor put replacement value on my boat at $90,000.
Then again, when I left California, my BoatUS insurance ended at Punta Banda.
The cost of insurance on a singlehander in Mexico would be astronamical, if I could get it.
So I have Mexican liability insurance only, required by marinas. No insurance on loss. A lot of cruisers are the same.

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