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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 09/26/06 - 7:03pm
Author: John Bye
Subject: Bobstay bolt replacement

I had my M32 surveyed for a prospective buyer and the only surprise was the guy said the bolt that holds the bobstay to the tang at the waterline was suffering from corrosion. It looks like a 1/2" hex bolt with a nut and cotter pin. Is this standard? I looked at West Marine and they don't have any stainless bolts that are drilled for a cotter pin. I could drill one I suppose. West does have 1/2" clevis pins. Would this work? I'm also concerned about shear strength and salt water corrosion protection. I read up on stainless bolt strengths and grades. I think a 304 or DIN/ISO A2 bolt would do. Anybody have any feedback on this?
I plan to change it in the water by using a block & tackle from the halyard to the samson post to take the strain and then backing off on the bobstay. Any advice on this would be appreciated.

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[> Similar on Murre -- Randall, M31, Murre, - Tuesday - 09/26/06 - 8:59pm

I replaced the bolts and tang for the bobstay several years ago due to corrosion of the bottom bolt that extended into the tang. There was NO cotter pin in any of the bolts, rather the bolt was held in place w/a nylon lock nut. The 5200, generously applied on both sides of the hole during installation, got all over the threads and so aids in preventing the bolt from backing off.

I used marine grade stainless but don't now remember the specifics.

I check it religiously, both inside and out, and have found no hint of rust in the last 2+ years, this though the bolt is most always at lest partially under water. I wonder if the corrosion is driven largely by marina electrolosis. I've long ago STOPPED plugging the boat into shore power as a rule. The batteries hold plenty of charge w/out it, and if I want to run a drying fan or heater in winter, I run the power cord into the boat through the aft port and plug the fan directly to it. My gut says this reduces electrolosis risk tremendously.

After fastening your halyard, I might actually back off on the headstay turnbuckle first, this to reduce the risk of lifting the bowsprit when you back off on the bobstay. (But maybe that's just me: I've applied goop between the bowsprit and deck, this to avoid the potentially unseen damage of standing water, and would hate to break that seal.)

Hope that helps a little...


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[> [> Thanks, Randall -- John Bye, - Wednesday - 09/27/06 - 12:18pm

I think I'll go with the bolt and nylon locknut idea.

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