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Subject: Re: Jerry Dwyer's Book and Plane wreckage

Orissa Kelly (Kevin Terry)
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Date Posted: Thu August 10, 2023 00:13:14
In reply to: Kevin Terry 's message, "Re: Jerry Dwyer's Book and Plane wreckage" on Mon July 24, 2023 09:32:11

I must debunk your " Story ", You missed something which debunks your claims,

Buddy Holly got into the plane and had to come out of it again, As he in error sat in the pilot seat on the left side, So this would make Buddy Holly be seated on the right Unless guns can do a miraculous U-Turn and shot the pilot in his left shoulder which was pressed against the left side of the plane door then it will be a miracle, We have already been over this fabrication of " Foul Play " even to The Big Bopper being examined and proven no foul play, It seems no one is content to see it as a accident and that is that, If Jerry Dwyer was so adamant on this information why did he not shout it on the roof tops? He never did and just like many others promoting books over decades he never produced one. He just gave out riddles, Left us all in the dark even to the day of his death where is the plane who knows!.. Granted your research is good but on this occasion, I feel you do need to go back to the drawing board on this one, Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper Ritchie Valens all got along very well during that tour, Why suddenly would anyone pull a gun out is absurd, & Also in mid-flight.

We all should be asking now they both have passed it would be interesting to know if we ever will see the plane wreck and what is left of it, And with modern tech, a scan of it could hold more answers, I heard that engine and plane were all overhauled And was never new. The pilot had failed tests prior to do with leaning to the right with vertigo issues and the instructor had to take over. He did the same on this trip.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Jerry Dwyer's Book and Plane wreckageKevin TerryThu August 10, 2023 21:20:22
Re: Jerry Dwyer's Book and Plane wreckageFranklynFri August 11, 2023 04:38:55

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