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Subject: Re: Jerry Dryers Book and Plane wreckage

David UK
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Date Posted: Fri August 18, 2023 05:28:37
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Re: Jerry Dryers Book and Plane wreckage" on Wed August 16, 2023 21:37:53

My honest belief is...

Nobody was shot deliberately. It goes against all we know of Charles Hardin Holley. A calm, level-headed guy. He had previously chastised the Belmonts for folling around with guns. He was an old soul as well, not some hothead kid.

Ritchie...he was a great kid, everybody says that. Its genuinely upsetting to read that Buddy or Ritchie may have been to blame...absolute bull.

In my mind, as well as the not great weather conditions and forecast that night, other factors that played a part were the loading of the plane. For me, it ended up tail-heavy. I think they got off the ground easy enough, but then baggage moved...maybe toppled over, affecting the weight balance and therefore the trim of the craft. Roger was fighting to keep that plane level when he took the snow off some farm building rooftops.
The other thing I've always thought is, was the plane refuelled that night? Or did Jerry and Roger each think the other had done it. Also so re-rivetting work had been being done...was that involved? The plane crashed minutes after take off after being refuelled, yet no fire at the crash site and no fuel slick has ever been mentioned. The tank, if it was fuelled, eould have been full. So where did all the fuel go in a crash where the plane was fully destroyed? Normally where a large spillage of aviation fuel has occurred, crops won't grow in the contaminated ground for years, or even decades afterwards. I watched a video of a C47 crash site in Normandy the other day and the area that was contaminated on D Day in 1944 is still scarred and nothing will grow.

Could Buddy's pistol have gone off accidentally? Was he holding it in his lap? (Surely it was in the hold)

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Subject Author Date
Re: Jerry Dryers Book and Plane wreckageJason ukSat August 26, 2023 03:13:28
Re: Jerry Dryers Book and Plane wreckageMulliganSat August 26, 2023 08:17:57

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