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Subject: Re: Yet another new Buddy film

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Date Posted: Tue April 09, 2024 07:51:26
In reply to: Frank 's message, "Re: Yet another new Buddy film" on Mon April 08, 2024 12:05:06

The only difference between this movie and the "Clear Lake" movie is the producers had Van Peebles make some additions to the screenplay. I assume he fleshed out some of the Black characters, probably something he insisted on after reading the original script. I doubt MEH's lawyers (or whoever wrote the story) have any expertise in that subject.

Here's a quote from the Vibe Magazine article:

"David Hirshland, Peter Bradley, Jr. of the Buddy Holly Educational Foundation, and Stephen Easley, who has a deep understanding of Buddy Holly’s legacy, are the film’s executive producers. Maria Elena Holly, the widow of Buddy Holly, is also an associate producer, ensuring that the film stays true to Buddy Holly’s spirit and story."

I like the title "That'll Be The Day" better than "Clear Lake" (which seemed confusing and nonsensical to me) and I assume the original cast is still involved. I like the casting choices for Norman Petty and MEH, but Nelly as Chuck Berry? I don't see it. I also think the actor they cast as Buddy is way too old to be playing a teenager and 22 year old.

MEH is ensuring the movie "stays true" to the spirit and story of MEH, so I'm not expecting anything good to come from this film.

Maybe it'll inspire a younger generation of people to dig deeper into Buddy's musical catalog, but they'll also come away believing a bunch of things about Buddy that aren't remotely accurate.

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Re: Yet another new Buddy filmMikeWed April 10, 2024 19:57:12

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