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Subject: Re: It's a power trip for you, isn't it Randy

David UK North West
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Date Posted: Sun June 19, 2022 08:07:55
In reply to: Larry 's message, "Re: It's a power trip for you, isn't it Randy" on Wed June 15, 2022 18:35:34

If I were Randy I would pull the plug.

This board is becoming everything Bill Griggs detested and wouldnt want it to become. The abuse aimed towards Randy by certain people,.and I also see most of the old posters and contributors have stopped posting.

I'm going to join them. Its a damn shame. I was proud to know Bill, and meeting him and Sharon in Lubbock was a real highlight in my life. As near as I could get to meeting Buddy, the man who knew so much about him. I cried when Bill passed. I was glad the board continued in honour of him. Randy has done a great job. But its not enough for some and as the board has now sank due to a multi posting fool who has too much time in his trolling hands (we would call him a Dickhead in the UK), the time has come for me to walk away and not bother posting and reading the board.

I honestly think the time has come to close down the board now. Maybe a new direction via Facebook or something. A 'Bill Griggs Memorial Fansite' group or something like that. But this forum...its gone now.

Thanks for your efforts, Randy. You've done Bill proud. Kept it going for 11 years after his passing.

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Subject Author Date
Re: It's a power trip for you, isn't it RandyDale (Hi David)Sun June 19, 2022 18:24:31
Re: It's a power trip for you, isn't it RandyMikeMon June 20, 2022 02:39:50

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