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Subject: Re: Sonny West Has Died

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Date Posted: Sun September 11, 2022 17:05:38
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Re: Sonny West Has Died" on Sat September 10, 2022 02:08:08

Sonny, with his gentle and sweet-natured disposition, gave me 5-6 hours of his time, of his life, at his home in Abilene, with 45 minutes squeezed in, at a Chinese eatery during lunch. No, I didn't let Sonny pay. He wanted to, but I was insistent about having the honor to feed him. After all, he fed me "Oh Boy" and "Rave On", two of the best Rock-and-Roll tunes ever.

I still, to this day, "hurt" over the fact that someone stole from me something that Sonny gave to me while I was putting my Stratocaster back in its case. You know those old-timer undershirts? The ones that have the thin shoulder-straps, and the front has a real-low neckline, and the white cotton, vertical ridges all around the shirt? Sonny had gone to his bedroom to get it out of a drawer, I presume. He presented it to me in his music-room we had spent the day in, and said, "Here...put this in your guitar case. These shirts are great for wiping your guitar down after you finish playing."

I made the mistake of showing it off to other musicians and bandmates, telling them of the significance of the shirt. Someone snatched it right out of my guitar case when I wasn't looking. Like I said....it still hurts.

Thank you, Joe Bob West aka Sonny West, for one of the best memories of my life. Say hi to Buddy and the boys for me.

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